Chapter 24

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"Wake up," I heard a soft male's voice say.

I groaned and swatted at the air in front of me, my eyes still closed. But I was now aware of the sunlight that was behind my eyelids. I squinted, but refused to open my eyes.

"Caley," I heard the voice say again. I felt the person's warm, minty breath tickle my skin and I felt my lips curl into a slight smile before frowning and swatting at the person again.

I just wanted to sleep.

I felt someone's hand brush my hair out of my face, sending waves of electricity through my body. I fought against the emotions and remained in my bed. I pulled the pillow next to me over my face and smirked as the sunlight disappeared.

Suddenly, I felt the warmth from my comforter leave me and a cold breeze engulf my bare legs.

Oh he did NOT just do that.

I threw the pillow off my face furiously and sat up, glaring at none other than Trey, who had a lopsided grin on his face. He was holding my blanket in his hands, standing a distance away from me, his eyebrows raised.

"Merry Christmas," he said, his multi-coloured eyes twinkling.

I glared at him and then, unexpectedly, I charged, tackling him to the ground. He fell, the blanket saving his fall, and I fell on top of him, so that I was straddling his hips. He raised an eyebrow cockily at me and I felt my cheeks grow warm as I pushed myself off of him, trying to shake the thoughts of how hard his abs had felt from my mind.

"Don't you know you're not supposed to wake me up before 10?" I asked, straightening my tank top and smoothing out my boxer shorts. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked up at me, looking incredibly attractive with the sunlight pouring onto him. He looked like a bloody Greek god.

"It's Christmas, though," he said.

"That's not an excuse," I replied, pulling open my closet doors and grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie to cover myself and restore the warmth my blanket had stolen from me. He got up and placed my blanket on my bed and then came up to me, placing his hands on my waist.

"I'm sorry. I thought you'd be excited to get your present," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on my lips, sending shivers of electricity through me.

"What can I say? I like my sleep," I replied, smirking against his lips. He smirked back and deepened the kiss, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing the remaining space between our bodies, my entire being bursting in an electrical fire.

After a few moments, we pulled away, breathing hard. He rested his forehead against mine and I still had my eyes closed. Then I opened them and looked at him, smiling.

"Merry Christmas, Trey," I whispered. He smiled and kissed my nose. Then he pulled away and took my hand.

"Everyone's downstairs already. Cole couldn't wait to open up his presents," Trey told me, leading me downstairs. At the base of the double staircase, I could hear Cole's excited exclamations and the sound of ripping wrapping paper. Trey and I walked in and Natalia and Christopher smiled up at us, still in their pajamas. We sat down next to them. Natalia placed a hand on my cheek and leaned over to kiss my forehead. I smiled at her graciously.

After my freak out about my mother, I had taken a long four hour nap. When I has awoken, she was sitting in creme coloured couch that was in my room, rigging her hands together and looking out the window in a distant sort of way.

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