Chapter 22

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I sighed, running a hand over my simple royal blue dress.

Actually, it wasn't my dress. Apparently, Natalia had taken it upon herself to go out and buy me a whole wardrobe of new and expensive looking clothes. I didn't mind all too much because they were absolutely gorgeous. But I wasn't much of a girly-girl and a lot of the dresses were the definition of girly, with lace and flowers and ribbons.

I decided to go with a simple blue dress with ruffles at the top. I left my hair down and wavy and put on a pair of black heels that I also dug out of the enormous closet in my room. I didn't do much for make-up, as I never did, and stood up straight to examine myself in the mirror.

"You're beautiful," I heard. I turned to see Trey leaning casually against my doorframe. I raised an eyebrow.

"Knock much?" I asked him as entered the room completely, stopping in front of me.

"I was actually hoping to get a glimpse of you as you changed," he joked. I hit him in his abs and he laughed. Then he reached out and tucked my hair behind one of my ears. "You really are beautiful," he whispered.

"You're not that bad to look at, either," I replied with a smirk. He chuckled and pulled me closer to him by my waist. Then he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I reached out and put my arms around his neck as we deepened the kiss, sending jolts of electricity throughout my body.

"Ewwww! GROSS!" we heard. Immediately, we jumped away. Cole was standing in the doorway, his adorable little face scrunched up in disgust.

"Cole! Get out of here! Go downstairs!" Trey exclaimed, his cheeks slightly flushed. His were only slightly flushed. I was pretty sure my face was bright as a tomato. Cole laughed and turned on his heel, running down the hallway.

"Mummy! Trey was kissing his friend!!!!!" Cole shouted. Trey shook his head and groaned and I felt my cheeks turn even brighter.

"So I guess no public displays of affection until after hours," I muttered.

"It's not like this was public. Cole is just obnoxious and immature," Trey said, running a hand through his hair.

"He's six," I pointed out.

"Still. Now Mum and Dad are going to give me a lecture about being inappropriate," he said. I bit my lip and he shook his head. We began walking out of my room when he stopped.

"What did you mean by after hours?" he asked, turning around, his coloured eyes curious. I felt my cheeks flush again.

"Ummm...I...I don't know..." I mumbled. Trey's lips turned up in a devilish smirk.

"This might be more fun than I thought," he said. I felt my cheeks burn crimson as he continued to walk forward. I groaned internally. Why did I have to make things so awkward for myself?


"...and then he just slipped and kept falling down the slope!" Cole was telling me. I burst into laughter and Trey glared at his younger brother.

"Would you get out of here?!" he growled.

"I'm just telling her a story," Cole said grinning toothily.

We were sitting in the den. I was on the couch and Cole was sitting on my lap as I played with his silky hair. Trey sat across from us on one of the decorated chairs.

"Yeah? You want me to tell her how it took you so long to get potty trained?" Trey hissed, making Cole's cheeks flush. I felt my lips twitch up in a smile.

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