Chapter 6

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"He's totally going to ask me. I mean, why wouldn't he?" Abbey was saying.

Oh no. She wasn't talking to me. She was talking to her two clone junkies, Melissa and Leah. I was just sitting in my room because the library was closed (someone had thought it would be a funny idea to throw a stink bomb in there) and it was raining outside. I had nowhere else to go since I still hadn't found a good spot in the school to hang out. So I was stuck in my room for the time being, listening to Abbey and her friends' non-stop chatter about homecoming.

"I already ordered my dress. I should be getting it in the mail later today so that I can get it tailored before we go into town tomorrow," Leah said.

"I bought mine over the summer so I wouldn't have to worry about all that," Abbey said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. She was sitting at her dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror. A typical day in the life of Abbey Green. I rolled my eyes at her vanity. She saw this and narrowed her eyes at me in the mirror.

"It's so dumb that everyone in the school has to go to the dance. Clearly, we could do without some people," she said, directing the comment at me.

"Oh please. If I had the choice, I wouldn't go to the dance at all, regardless of what you think," I said. She scoffed at me and then directed her attention back to her friends.

"So do you think I'll be homecoming queen?" she asked.

"Oh, definitely! You're the most popular girl in the school! Why wouldn't you be queen?" Melissa gushed. I snorted and they all glared at me. I couldn't help it. They were being so obnoxiously loud. It's like they were asking for my clever wit.

"Why would you guys support her? You're just as popular as she is. You have every right to winning the crown as she does," I pointed out. I smirked as the girls exchanged glances and Abbey's eyes lit up with fear.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Abbey snapped.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. I had a date to snog your boyfriend," I said, climbing off my bed. I heard her throw a fit as I walked out the door. It always made my day somewhat better after I pissed her off. It was almost like I was channeling my annoyance and frustration with my own life to her.

I walked down the hallways in a considerably better mood than I was in the previous day. Maybe it was because I had ordered a new pair of glasses and they would be at one of the shops in town tomorrow for me to pick up. I was so excited to get my new glasses. I would finally get to stop wearing these horrible contacts.

I walked through the open hallways. There were pillared walls on one side, so I could see the rain as it fell in torrential droplets. I sat up on the ledge and enjoyed the soft mist that kissed my face. I loved watching the rain. Somehow, it calmed my nerves to watch the water fall from the sky, soaking the dry earth and making it moist, washing away the impurities. As a child, I had always loved playing in the rain. I hadn't done it in a while, though. After Mum had gotten sick, I hadn't had too much time for fun.

"Hey, Caley!" I heard. I turned my head to see Lance walking towards me.

"Hello Lance," I replied curtly, turning my head back towards the rain.

"It's pouring out there. I'm glad they cancelled the trip to town for today. It would have been no fun at all," he said. I shrugged.

"I wouldn't have minded it, actually. I like the rain," I said.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded. We remained silent as we watched the continuous downpour from the sky.

"Did you need something?" I asked Lance when he didn't leave. He shifted a little awkwardly on his feet and I knew what he was going to say even before he said it.

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