Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I run my hands down the front of my beautiful gown. It is a gorgeous light pink decorated with a diamond sash around my waist and diamonds at the sweetheart neckline. White gloves cover the tattoos on my hands and arms. A diamond necklace compliments my dress and my hair is done up in a complicated updo with flowers woven in. I slip on my crystal heels and tuck a knife into the bodice of my dress.

So I'm a bit late, an hour and 43 minutes to be exact, but what's more mysterious than a late arrival?

Rafe promised he'd meet me at the ball so I make my way to the doors and flick my wrist, motioning for the guards to open them. The guards scramble to open the doors and I step through them onto a large staircase leading into a sea of people dancing, drinking, and laughing.

I turn to the announcer who peers at me and give him a discreet shake of my head. He nods and I start down the staircase. Heads turn towards me one by one, but I brush off the attention. I can't be bothered with the mix of envious and lustful stares; I'm too busy trying to find Rafe.

The room has gone quiet, and people are trying to move to get a look at the late arrival. I reach the bottom of the stairs and someone loops my arm through his and leads me towards the refreshments.

I don't have to turn my head to know who it is.

"Hello, Rafe." I say, keeping my eyes forward.

"Danica," he says and I can hear the amusement in his voice. "You finally decided to show up."

"Yes, well, beauty is time," I say in return.

"Ah, you do look ravishing."

"As do you, Princeling."

He leads me to the dance floor. He places one of his hands around my waist and holds the other one in his hand. We waltz around the dance floor for what seems like hours. I don't once stop to dance with the many councilmen who ask of it. And he ignores the requests of the noblewomen. I don't once catch sight of my sister, Aurora.

I step back and curtsy at the end of yet another dance. I look at him in the eyes and mouth, we should go.

He nods his head in understanding and leads me to the edge of the crowd. He glances over each shoulder to make sure no one is watching. He swiftly leads us through the servant tunnels winding down, down, down. I have only been in the castle on a few occasions and I am certain I have never been this deep underground. Emerging from a dark passageway, we stand in a well-lit sprawling room. The only decor seems to be various weapons strung about the walls.

I smile and grab a well-balanced bow and a quiver of arrows. The bow is expertly made with sturdy iron and the quiver is a beautiful soft leather. I quickly load my bow and shoot at a dummy on the far wall, piercing its eye.

I turn to Rafe and he's smiling at me. He tosses me a bag of clothing and I go to the female dressing room to change. I put on my skin tight riding leather pants and my black tank top. I zip up my riding boots and put on my gloves. My black tattoos are visible in the short sleeved shirt.

I emerge from the dressing room and Rafe is there with his black cape and black mask on. He hands me a package and I look at him quizzically. I open the package and there's a black cape, similar to his but in a women's cut and a black mask. I put on my new costume.

"There," he says. "Now we look like a team."

My friendship with Rafe does not run very deep. He is much better acquainted with my dear sister. He sought me out when the Black Wolf was in need of my level of expertise, before either of us came to realize I was related to the long lost Aurora Firedrake.

He opens a trapdoor in the floor and jumps through. I remind myself of who I am and repeat the words that have gotten me through everything, I am not afraid.

I jump and he catches me. The soft thud of my boots ring through the dark tunnels as he gently sets me down.

He lights his hand using the light-spell, and I do the same. The tunnels are long and narrow, and you can hear the soft drip of water. The trudge doesn't take too long but I can tell we're far below the bottom level of the castle. I have come to trust Rafe and allow him to lead the way as we move along silently. When we finally emerge from the tunnels, I have to squint as my eyes readjust to the brightness of daylight.

Rafe whistles and our horses appear from behind the coverage of the trees. My horse is a beautiful dark black mare, I call her Nina. Rafe's horse is a large black stallion.

I mount Nina and secure my quiver on my back and attach my bow to the saddle. I wait for Rafe to finish preparations and for him to mount.

"We will ride the short journey to my family's manor, there we will set up base." He looks at me and his serious expression softens. "Are you ready for an adventure, Princess Danica?"

"Don't call me that,"I keep my head lowered as I speak. "I'm not a princess, I was raised an assassin."

"But that's not what is in your heart," Rafe takes off and gallops into the forest with me in tow.

Chapter one feeling good (:


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