Chapter 9: Journey to Eldoren

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As Kalen and I ride along I try my hardest to think of anything but Rafe, but my mind won't let me.  I try to think about the gorgeous flowers surrounding us, and then I think about how the flowers are the same blue as Rafe's eyes. I do not have any lovers feelings for him, I know that but the lose of a real friend is a tough one.

Kalen notices something is wrong but he doesn't ask.  He leaves me to my sorrowful thoughts.

I listen to the birds chirp and the smooth sound of the leaves ruffling in the wind.  I focus of the sound of horse hooves thundering over the mountain. Wait.  Horse hooves?

The mountain thunders with what seems like hundreds of horses.  "Kalen!"  I call out.  "Kalen, we need to hide!"

His bright green eyes lock with mine and he nods.  He leads us deeper into the forest and off the path.  The trees get thick and we have to dismount our horses.  We quickly tie the horses to a thick willow tree, praying that it will conceal them.

Kalen gives me a boost into a tree and I scale it quickly.  I turn around and he is nowhere insight. "Kalen?" I hiss.

"Over here!"  I hear him call out.

He is sitting in the neighboring tree, mostly concealed by branches full of leaves.

The thundering gets louder and I look down and see hundreds of the Shadow Guard on horseback. They must be following us.  We have to get over the border into Eldoren and then we'll be safe.

All of them are almost gone, but one at the back halts. He looks around and sniffs the wind. 


He looks like he's about to say something, but when he sees his fellow Gaurdsmen are nearly gone, he leaves.

I wait a few minutes before climbing down, just to be safe.  I jump to the ground and find Kalen leaning against a tree.

"Come on," he says.  "We need to hurry to Eldoren."

Yeesh, the last few have only been 250-350 words which is short for me. I'll try to make longer chapters!!


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