Chapter 5: The Shadow Guard

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There were only about 25 Guards. Rafe and I set to work. I put up my magical shield, and loaded my bow. Rafe was doing the same next to me, except he prefers his sword. I launch the first arrow and it embeds itself in the heart of one of the Guard.

Rafe has already killed two with his daggers. They've noticed us now. When they turn away from what they were doing, I see they were tying up innocent Fae.

"Rafe, cover me! I'm going to untie them!" I scream to him, trying to get my voice to be heard over all the ruckus. I run straight towards the Shadow Guard. I instantly kill one of them with my sword, but there are too many of them for me to handle alone.

Rafe, fighting right next to me grunts as he's thrown the ground with one of the soldiers push-strikes. I send a powerful killing-strike towards the soldier and he tumbles, motionless.

When I emerge on the other side, I see the bound Fae looking at me with startled eyes. "I'm on your side," I say to them. I go to work untying the knot.

Strong hands grasp my shoulders and one of the Fae cry out in warning. I'm hurled to the ground and the pain is agonizing. I'm able to roll to the side when the soldier punches the ground hard enough for it to shake, right where I was lying.

I stand on my feet, and kick him in the back. He turns, throws a punch at my face. I side-step the punch, and nail him in the stomach. When he doubles over in pain, I send a perfect roundhouse kick to the side of the head and he goes down.

I untie the Fae and instruct them to hide in the hidden tunnels under Penelope's tree.
I return to the fight with my bow loaded. I spot one of Morgana's Shadow Guards charging at Rafe from the back and send an arrow straight through his throat. I go straight to Rafe's side and continue to launch arrows from there.

Rafe is a phenomenal fighter and has already disposed of more than half of the guard. He sends a lighting-strike at one, strong enough to kill him, and the Guard disintegrates. While I'm slightly distracted by Rafe, one of the Guards slashes my stomach with his knife. Thank the Gods I was able to step out of the way before he plunged that knife into my side.

The slash burns like fire. I unsheathe my sword and decapitate him. I watch his head fall lifeless to the ground. Luckily, I've killed enough times to not get sick at the sight.
I collapse to the ground. Rafe appears above me and says, "It's ok, the rest of them fled. It's ok." Those were the last words I heard before my vision went dark.

Looking good yeah?


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