Chapter 3: Down the Alley

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When I wake up in the morning, I quickly dress and head to the kitchen.  Rafe is already down there, drinking his morning cup of coffee. 

    "Good morning, Danica."

    "Good morning, Rafe."  I look through the cabinets and the drawers and I find no food.  I sigh and reach for my fur cape.  "I'm going to run to the market and pick up some food.  Is there anything I can purchase for you?"

    "I don't believe so," he says.  "But do be careful, Danica."

    I walk out the front door and down the street towards the market.  Or at least I think it's towards the market.  I take a right turn into an alley.  Great, I'm lost. 

    "What are you doing out here, kid?" I hear a gruff voice ask.

    "That is none of your business," I spat and attempt to get around him.

    "I don't think so," says the man.  He whistles, and dark shapes emerge from the shadows of the alley.  Just great.

    I put up my shield, making sure it's steady. I turn swiftly and dodge one of the men's fist.  Oh, how I wish I had my bow or Rafe.  I wasn't just trained in weapons though, I had gone through years of hand-to-hand combat during my assassin training.  I side-step a grab and gripped onto the gruff sounding man's arm.  I shove him forward and his skull connects with the brick wall. 

    I miss a step and get hit on the cheek.  I let out a scream, but steady myself.  Combat is like a dance, you can't miss a step or you will be several moves off-beat.  I use a push strike on one and he goes flying down the alley. I kick a skinny looking man with a suit on the back and watch him go down.

    Three down, four to go.  One comes charging at me, stupid move.  I grab his arm and flip him onto his backside.  He groans, but he stays down.

    Someone takes hold of me from behind, but I can't seem to get loose.  I twist and turn but his grip stays tight.

    "Think you can get away from us?" one of the growls.

    "Let me go!" I scream.

    "Release her," I know that voice.  That voice belongs to my partner, Rafe.

    "The Black Wolf!" I hear one of them say.

    "I said, let the lady go." Rafe says as he strolls down the alley like nothing in the world can touch him.

    "Oh yeah?  And who's going to make us?"  The fat man to my left asks. 

    "Well obviously me," Rafe chuckles.

    "I don't think so."  The man replies.  He snaps his fingers at my two captors and they tie my hands behind my back and gag me.  I feel myself being lifted off the ground a slung over a shoulder.  Before anything exciting and worth watching happens, they place a blindfold over my eyes.

    I hear grunts and cries of agony fade away as my captor runs.  I haven't the faintest idea where I am or where I'm being taken.

    The man carrying me grunts, and then I'm thrown sideways off his shoulders and I let out a quiet oomph when I hit the ground.

    Silence.  I hear nothing, but I can sense someone's presence above me.  I kick out and my foot connects with the person's stomach.

    "Ouch!  Danica, it's me!" Rafe says as he tries to catch his breath.  "It's me, It's me!  Now calm down."

    "You idiot!  Get over here and untie me!"  I yell at him.

    He obeys and gently unties my wrists, gag, and blindfold.  I turn to face him and my hands go instantly to my mouth.  "Rafe!" I cry.  "Your cheek, it's purple!"

    He gives me a sheepish smile and winces at the action.  "One of the thugs hit me, but it's my only injury.  Come along, we'll stop at the market on our way home."

Yay another chapter !!


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