Chapter 12: Eldoren

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Kalen and I had been riding for three days when we finally entered the valley just before Fairlone, where my Granduncle, the Duke of Silverthorne, lived. He advised and ruled over this valley and the wealthy town beyond it. Kalen and I were positioned on top a hill looking right down into the valley, where what looked like a hill had a huge castle resting on its top.

As we made our way through the beautiful valley splattered with pinks and purples, yellows and oranges, and even some blue, the castle and its surrounding town grew larger. Children ran about the streets in their patched, dull clothing playing with each other. The women sat and folding laundry on one of the sidewalks. The men were nowhere to be seen, but I could hear loud music playing from a ragged building that smelled heavily of alcohol, unwashed bodies, and piss. Must be a tavern.

As we rounded a corner, a few drunkards caught sight of my long hair and instantly knew I was a women. I edged closer to Kalen and he wrapped a protective arm around my waist. As we pass the perverted men, Kalen growled at them, telling them I was obviously his mate. Fooled them.

As we got nearer to a thick patch of a grassy field, we could see the wealthy villagers prancing around the streets going in and out of elegantly decorated shops and cafés. This must be the wealthier part of town that surrounded the castle. The men wore expensive-looking doublets and hose, with thick cloaks and swords dangling at their hips. Some rode horses others were in carriages.

The women all looked stunning. Gorgeous dresses made of silk and velvet, elegantly embroidered, and all in different vivid colors. They had hooded mantels and cloaks. Some carried parasols with gloved hands. I took note that almost every women traveled by a single horse carriage.

All of these expensive clothing made me feel silly in my oversized men's clothing. Kalen didn't seem to mind, I watched as he glanced into almost every window of every shop, taking in the goods beyond. I had to half drag him away from a bakery, we were both starving, but we had to get to my Granduncle.

The Duke of Silverthorne was expecting us, Rafe had sent a message ahead telling him everything. Stone archways loomed over us as we approached the gates to Silverthorne Castle. The guard at the front gate stepped in front of us. "State your names and business."

"My Granduncle is expecting us," I tell the man and hand him the letter my uncle signed.

He read over it with careful eyes and smiled. "Danica Firedrake, always a pleasure to serve the Duke's family." He yelled something to the gate keeper and the gate opened. Kalen and I bid the guard farewell and walked into the castles courtyard.

It was a fury, people scattered everywhere rushing from here to there, carrying sacks for the kitchen, or guards training. A burly man stalked over to us, he was wearing a silver breastplate and had salt and pepper hair. "Declan Raingate, Captain of the Duke's guard, at your service, my lady." There was a glint in his eyes as he turned to one of his men. "Hurry and fetch me Asher," he told the man. The Captain turned back to me and Kalen as the man hurried off. "Another Firedrake, always an honor. This is exactly where I greeted your sister for the first time."

I smiled. "That's wonderful Captain, but we must see the Duke as soon as possible."

He ignored me. "She was younger and it was around the same time of year. Oh yes, and your Aunt Serena and her son, Erien are here. They cannot wait to meet you. I'm sure that they'll-"

"Boring them to death I see, Captain." I look for the source of the voice. A guard approaches.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the Duke. " This guard leads us into the castle. He introduces himself as we walk. "My name is Asher Walker, I am a soldier of the castle Guard."

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