Chapter 11: The Captor

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The air is thick with the smell of smoke. The grey gas clouds the air as Aunt Morgana attacks our home.  We were a peaceful family, Mother cradling Aurora and father holding me.  When Morgana's soldiers burst down the door, the rush of magic caused me to stumble.  Father protected us as I assisted my beloved mother in sending Aurora to safety.

Before Morgana could kill my mother, she sent me through a portal to the one place I would be safe, Penelope and Kalen's home. Kalen was only a few years older than me at the time, but he comforted me like a brother would a sister.  He held me through my nightmares and chased away my demons.  I wouldn't be where I am now without Kalen.

Raw pain in my wrists and ankles.  The fiery burn of pain searing through my arms. I peel open my eyes to find my wrists manacled to the ceiling and my ankles chained to the floor.  The bite of metal causing discomfort through my entire body.

I was weak and my head throbbed.  Where am I?  Who did this?  Where's Kalen? Questions shot through my mind.  I pray that Kalen is alive and well.

I looked around the room, searching for a way to escape.  The floorboards were creaky and dust rained down from the ceiling when I pulled on the manacles.  I twisted around and gasped.

There he was.  Kalen, tied to a pole and gagged. He had no chance at escaping in that bind.

I tugged harder at my chains, trying to get to him. 

Our eyes met, his were full of pain and sorrow.  And he was looking at my body oddly. I looked down and almost fainted. I had been stripped from my clothing, left only in a small band around my chest and a very short skirt. I wonder who had undressed me and put me in this skimpy getup. My stomach had knife wounds on it, like someone had slashed at my stomach.

What happened to me?

"Kalen."  I croaked out. 

He looked as if he wanted to say something in return, but the gag prevented him from doing so. 

The door creaked open and I spun around to see the person opening it.

A man, not old, but only about 23 stepped through. His eyes were an icy blue and his hair was so blonde it looked white. His eyes stared at me with hunger and hatred.  I pulled at my chains and he looked amused at my actions. Why did he look so familiar?

"Who are you?"  I asked him, trying to sound confident.

"My dear, telling you my name would ruin the fun."  He said.  He stalked over to a table full of torture devices.

I gulped.  This is why I'm here, to be tortured?  But what does he want?

He picked up and small whip.  The leather end made to split skin. 

I could hear Kalen in the corner attempting to release himself from the ropes bounding him.

The man walked over to Kalen and stood in front of him. "Trying to protect her?"  He sounded amused. That bastard. "Well, there isn't much you can do in that position."  He bent down and removed that gag from Kalen's mouth.

"Let her go," Kalen said instantly. 

 He said. "I get more out of it this way.  A beautiful women, helpless and forced to do whatever it is I want."

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