Chapter 23: Lord of the Wind

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Everything happens in slow motion. The floor explodes and debris scatters everywhere. Lords and Ladies scream, flooding to any exit available. Guards rush to protect the Royal Family.

I had run to the King and Queen and tackled them, shoving them out of harms way. I shield them with my back to keep shards of marble from harming them. But the shards embed themselves in my flesh instead.

I clench my jaw and try to dismiss the pain. When the explosion settles, I roll off the Queen and her husband and crouch on the now destroyed floor. I call out to the Palace Guards, "Escort the King and Queen out! Hurry and get them to a safe room!"

I turn away before they have a chance to respond.

Rushing through the chaos, I search for Ashton or Rivers, or anybody.

There! Green eyes flash. "Rivers!"

"Danica!" He squeezes through the crowd. He reaches me and looks at the bodice of my dress. "Danica, you're bleeding."

"I'm fine," I assure him. "Where are the others?"

"Here!" Sky says as he, Ashton and Flint approach us. Lucas follows too.

"Dani!" Ashton acknowledges my bloodied dress. "What happened? Does it hurt?"

"Pieces of floor made their way into my back, but I'm alright."

I look towards the door and see Guards ushering people out. One reaches for his sword. I catch his eye and see a flash of blue.  Rebels.

"They've taken Palace Guard uniforms."  I utter mostly to myself.  "Lucas, Rebels have taken Guards uniforms.  Look for the blue masks under the helmets."

He barks out orders.

If the rebels have taken over guard uniforms where are the actual guards? Dead or buried alive somewhere. Then it dawns on me. 

"Shit, your parents!"  I turn on my heel and sprint out the door.  I don't have to look to know my friends are following.

I had turned away before they left the room, so I don't know where they went.

"We need to split up."  I don't stop running.  "I have no idea where the Rebels took them.  I didn't realize they were Rebels!  I should have gone with them instead of-"

"Danica!"  Lucas, Ashton, Sky, Rafe, Rivers, and even Flint chorus.

"Right," I blink.  "Flint and Sky, Lucas you go with Rafe and Rivers, Ash come with me.  Let's go."

We all rush in opposite directions with no objections being voiced - in search of the King and Queen.

My ears perk when I pick up a high-pitched scream.  Feminine... must be my favorite Queen.  "This way."

Ash doesn't question me, he simply follows.  A flash of silver and blue.  Rebels. I draw out a hunting dagger from underneath the ruffles of my skirt.

We turn down a hall, depending on my Fae senses. We hurtle towards the door but it slams shut.  I run into it, cursing colorfully under my breath.

"What now?"  Ashton whispers from beside me.

"Stand back."  Fire erupts from my fingertips and shoots straight for the wooden doors.  It falls to ashes beneath my magic.

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