Chapter 22: The Winter Ball

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I wake up a few hours later - at least I think a few hours later - to Rivers and Ashton talking.

"I'm telling you, I really think it is her!"  Rivers insists a little too loudly.

Ashton instantly shushes him.  My back is to the brothers so I'm facing the wall.  Ashton and Rivers are sitting with their backs to the concealed door.

"It's in the Hortus History book!  I read it myself!"  Rivers isn't going down without a fight.

"You were reading?  Hope you didn't hurt yourself,"  I can hear the smirk in Ashton's voice.

"I'm serious, Ashton!"  Rivers argued.  "It says that the heir to the Firedrake throne would be betrothed to one of us!  We always thought Aurora was the heir, and you remember Mother always gushing about that girl!  But it's Danica who's the Crowned Princess, not Aurora. Since Danica has her own kingdom to run, Flint will be engaged to Aurora and one of the three of us will marry Danica!" 

"Rivers, be quiet!  You'll wake her up!"  Scolds Ashton.  For the youngest brother, he is by far the most responsible.  "How would they choose which one of us gets married?"

"I have no idea.  A tournament for her hand perhaps."  He chuckles. 

If they think there's any way in hell I'm getting married, they are completely delusional.  And of they think they can win me over by fighting each other, they can try fighting me.  I will rule by myself not every Queen needs a King.  I will figure out the heir thing later.  And I will never ever give away my own sister to the stone-faced snake.

And my mother-in-law already hates me.  So a win-win for me, right?

I shift in my cot to alert the boys that I'm waking up. 

Ash scurries over to me and slides down the wall to sit beside me.  "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I've been asked that question too many times."  I force a smile.  "Better rested."  I attempt to sit up but my head spins.

"She needs food."  Rivers looks concerned.  "But we can't get out until the Palace Guard comes around and opens the door.  We could be stuck here for a few more hours."

"That is if they find us."  Ashton shakes his head and moves over to the door, leaning his back against it.  "This safe room hasn't been touched in years.  We're lucky we remembered it was here or we all would've been toast."

"We could have fought them,"  I growl.

Rivers laughs.  "You were ready to pass out!  Ashton and I wouldn't have been able to fight off all those Mages by ourselves."

The door creaks open and Ashton falls backwards and crashes to the floor.  I suppress a giggle.  Ash leans back on his elbows and sheepishly looks up at our rescuer.  And of course, it was the one human I was hoping to never see again.

"The Black Wolf?" Ashton whispers.

Rafe ignores Ashton and connects our gazes. "Hello Danica."

I shift I'm my cot and try to stand. Black spots cloud my vision and I reach for the wall for extra support. Except I somehow miss the wall and tumble into the chest of one of the three boys. Not quite sure which one.

I feel around the persons pecs and biceps. "Who is this?" My vision is blurry to the point that I can't see anything. Is this what blind people feel like?

"It's Rafe." I jerk away instantly regretting that decision. Once again, I'm falling backwards bracing myself for severe impact on my back. Another set of hands catch me. They stand me up, turn me around, and sling an arm under my shoulders. They lead me down the library corridor.

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