XVIII:Calm the Storm

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Chapter 18 - Calm the Storm

Cold wind blow straight at my face. The natural satellite Atara cast a small ray of bluish green light inside the dark room. All the lights are off, apart from my small lampshade, which provides an insignificant vision in the huge room. 

It's cold but that didn't stop me from opening the big window beside my bed. The hairs on my pale skin stands up like a batallion of army about to charge into battle. I search the long dorm room for something to cover my freezing arms. I gaze past my blue blanket and find something thicker to use. In the end, since I'm lacking in many things, I decide to just use the thin blue blanket primly stacked on the foot of my bed.

I check my wristwatch and see it's already 10:16. Way past bedtime for Rounins, which is 9:00. I stare at the dotted surface of Atara, one of Felran's 16 natural satellites.

It's a green and round satellite with bluish spots all over its surface. It is probably the most prominent of Felran's 16 natural satellites because it's bigger than all of them. Researchers funded by the leaders found out that these satellites are alligned parallel to each other and moves at an exact rate. So, only one satellite will appear on Felran's sky.

However, consecutively, these satellites will go transparent for sometime and give way for the next satellite in line. So, every two days, there is a new satellite visible in the sky. A Beautiful fact about Felran that no one seems to care about.

I hear a shuffling sound from one of my three room mates. I look back to see Ernielen adjust her position and dozed right back into her soundless peaceful sleep. 

Our room is on the second floor, main building, where all the eight rooms for the Rounins are located. All rooms are ridiulously wide. Inside are four beds, situated like a square's edges. Its floor the same black stone that is covering the whole school. A Rounin is entitled to a bed and precisely a quarter of the room's space.

My space looks exactly as when it was given to me, covered in light green linen sheets with dark laces. We were given various choices on the sheets but I let Chesca pick one for me.

I snap my gaze back to Atara. I've decided after that incident awhile ago that this day will be the day that i'll try to sort out all my problems and actually think about it. I'm tired of running and avoiding it. I learned that you can never drown problems, because they can swim better than you.

The sound of distant rustling leaves filled my ears. The wind is blowing, but this time it's comfortably warm, opposed to the chilling one minutes ago. I smile lightly because it seems my element knows I'm upset and is trying to comfort me.

"Thank you," I softly whisper to empty air. It responded by surrounding me with a warm breeze.


Awhile ago, after their first day of training and Jade was lounging outside with Chesca. The air suddenly grew very warm that we had to take our jackets off.

"That's weird, are you controlling it?" Chesca asked me. I look at her as if she's talking in another language.

"No, why would I? And I don't think I can even control air in that way," I replied.

"Sorry, just that it looks suspicious," she said sincerely looking sorry.

"Yeah, I agree. I mean, when does sudden heating of air happens?" I mused.

Right after I'm done talking, the scene froze. I'm not kidding, it froze as in stopped whatever it was doing. The gifteds and the other Rounins roaming around the lawn stopped laughing and talking in mid sentence. I looked around me frantic. What the bloddy hell is happening?

J.ade, A.ir D.efying E.lementalistWhere stories live. Discover now