Trasgo!Spain x Reader (part 2)

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It's been a few weeks since you first found out about Antonio. He doesn't even try to hide from you and he's actually been a big help around the house and you like spending time with him. He's really kind and always so cheerful. He knows how to cheer you up when you're feeling down. Plus he's kinda your consulting interior designer now and you two pick out colors for curtains and such.

You're really tired today because you've been having nightmares recently.

"Are you alright, (Name)?" A human-sized Antonio asks over your shoulder. Now that you know he's there, he's usually human sized around you.

"Yeah," you answer. "Just kinda tired. I haven't been sleeping very well recently."


"I've been having nightmares. And it's been getting kinda hard to breathe while I sleep too."

A look of understanding comes to his face. "I think I know what's wrong, (Name)."

"You do?"

"Sí. There's something coming in here while you sleep and causing these nightmares."

"Are you sure?"

"I guess there's only one way to find out."

"Whada you mean?"

"I'll watch over you while you sleep tonight and see if this thing comes. If it does, I'll make sure it never comes back again."

"Okay, Antonio."

As promised, Antonio keeps watch over you while you're asleep that night. He's in his small form, so he can hide easily so whatever's coming won't notice him as easily. You feel safe with him there, so you fall asleep easily that night. He thinks you look adorable in your sleep. At one point during the night, he hears the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway.

He sees a large dog with black fur and steel paws with holes through them bound into the room and sit itself on your chest. Your brow furrows and you kinda start thrashing as best as you can with the beast on you.

Antonio's suspicions were correct, a Pesanta was causing this. The dog doesn't even notice he's there, so he easily sneaks out to the shed. He grows to human size, gets his axe from where he hid it and quickly goes back to your room.

The Pesanta notices him this time and turns to look at him. It puts more weight on you, which causes your nightmares to get worse.

"Get away from (Name)!" Antonio says as he readies the axe, an angry expression on his face.

It tilts its head.

"I said get away! I won't let you hurt her!"

"Hurt her how?" It asked him. Of course, he knew they could talk.

"Your sitting on her's suffocating her! She could die!"


"So if she dies because of you I'll kill you!"

"Why do you care so much about this human?"

"I don't have to tell you! Just get off her!"

The creature does as ordered and gets off you, then pads towards Antonio, then sits in front of him. "I've done as you asked, do you feel better?"

Antonio looks over to you. You look a lot more contempt now, which is a relief to him. "Yeah."

"Do you love this human?"

The question catches the Spanish man off guard. "Huh?"

"I said, do you love her?"

Antonio definitely has a crush on you, but it's not full-on love. Not yet, at least, he makes no promises. "No, I don't love her."

"But you care this much about her?"

"Is it wrong to care about someone?"

"Is caring about someone not love?"

The Pesanta leaves without another word, leaving Antonio to think about it.


I made up the part about Pesantas being able to talk.

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