Chapter Nineteen

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*Danielle's POV*

I woke up to Daryl's snores so I carefully got off the bunk and got dressed so I could go explore. I knew Daryl would be pissed that I disobeyed him but I wanted to see what was down there and possibly find us another private place to be intimate.

I sneaked Daryl's keys and headed towards the tunnels.


I had been down in the tunnels for a while when the alarms started blaring and I heard the walkers start up.

"Well shit." I muttered to myself.

I started shooting the walkers as I went trying to get back to the cellblock but I knew I had very limited rounds and the number of walkers outweighed that. I must have got turned around because I didn't find the door that lead back out. Instead I got pushed towards the seclusion cells. I went to shoot the walker in front of me and my gun jammed.

I tucked the gun into its holster and got my knife out. I got through maybe ten walkers when I knew I was fucked so I stabbed my knife into a walker and hurriedly got into a cell. I closed the door behind me. I fell against the floor and felt my right shoulder pop out of place. I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of here by myself and nobody knew where I was but I also knew Daryl would come looking for me the second he realized I hadn't made it back out.

"Why didn't I just listen to Daryl?" I whined to myself.

I just thought he was being overprotective as usual about me coming down here since he's been like that ever since we got together. I kinda liked it though since it fit into the Daddy/little girl thing we had going on. I fell asleep sitting in the dark cell only because I had nothing better to do.


*Daryl's POV*

We made it back out to the yard and I looked around for Danielle but I didn't see her. I looked around as I heard one of the doors to the basement open hoping it was her coming out but it was Maggie carrying a small bundle of clothes and Carl following behind.

"Where's Lori?" Rick asked.

Maggie didn't say anything, she just started crying which made Rick start crying. I backed away since it was their private moment and nearly backed in Carol.

"Ya were down in the tunnels with T-Dog right? Did ya see Danielle while ya was down there?" I asked.

"No, it was dark. T died so I'd make it back out safely plus those tunnels are a big place. She must have been in a different area. I'm sure she's fine Daryl." She told me.

"Yeah me too." I replied not really believing it.

Rick had gone into some kind of shock and headed down into the tunnels where Maggie and Carl just came from.

"Let me see the baby." Hershel said.

Carl carried her over to him with me and Maggie behind him.

"What are we gonna feed it? We got anything a baby can eat?" I asked.

"Good news, she's healthy but she'll need formula and soon or she won't survive." He told us.

"Nope, no way. Not her. We ain't losin nobody else. I'm going for a run." I growled.

"I'll back you up." Maggie told me.

"I'll go too." Glenn added

"Okay, think where we're going. Beth, come over 'ere a second." I replied.

She nodded and followed me away from Hershel and Carl.

"Kid just lost his mom and his dad ain't doing so hot. I would ask Danielle to watch him too but." I trailed off.

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