Chapter Twenty Three

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*Danielle's POV*

I hadn't been feeling well for most of the day so I was up in mine and Daryl's cell trying to nap when the sound of somebody rummaging around disturbed that. I turned over to see Daryl.

"Babe?" I asked.

"I didn't mean ta wake ya up." He replied leaning over and kissing me.

I pulled back to notice that he was getting ready to go somewhere.

"Heading on a run?" I asked.

"Not exactly, Merle and Michonne are missin so I gotta go find 'em." He told me.

"Let me get dressed and I'll go with you." I said throwing the blankets off of me.

"Ya don't have to, I know ya ain't feeling all that good." He replied.

"Yeah I do. I'm feeling better anyway." I told him pulling my jeans on.

He didn't say a word, just sat back and watched me get dressed. I added my jacket and grabbed my bow on the way out of our cell.

"Are we going on foot or by bike?" I asked.

"Foot, it's easier to track that way." Daryl replied.

We walked out of the cell block and across the yard to the gates which Carl opened for us. We walked out of the gates and set off to find Merle and Michonne.


We had been walking for awhile when I saw somebody up ahead of us. I notched an arrow as we got closer only to lower my bow when I saw it was Michonne. We finally met up with each other and Daryl started questioning her.

"Hey! Where's my brother? You kill him?" He asked.

"He let me go." Michonne told him.

"Don't let anyone come after us." Daryl told her before he took off running.

I caught up to him and walked by his side. I was genuinely worried about how we'll find Merle and how Daryl will handle it. I knew I had to be the strong one here, not Daryl.

We finally came across the mill we were at two days ago. I looked around seeing nothing but bodies, a few of which were still moving. I took down one that was in the process of eating. I pulled my arrow from its head and looked over at the other. I bit my cheek when I saw who it was. I heard Daryl drop his crossbow and ran over to him just as he was starting to cry.

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