Chapter Eleven

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*Danielle's POV*

It had been a few days since the whole thing with Shane happened and I was nearly back to normal, I mean I still flinch when he gets near me but I could let Daryl touch me again so I counted that as nearly normal. I walked out of the RV to see Daryl looking over a map. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked in a singsong voice.

"Planning on a hunt, alone." He told me.

"Why alone?" I asked slightly hurt.

I backed away and he turned around to pull me back to him.

"Don't think I'm tryin to get away from ya cause I'm not babygirl. You're needed here to keep watch. I won't be gone long, I promise." He replied.

"Okay, be safe." I told him.

"I will but how about a kiss for good luck?" He smirked.

I smiled and kissed his scruffy cheek.

"That's all I get?" He asked faking disappointment.

I pressed my lips to his and he lead the kiss, tangling his fingers in my hair.

"Okay, that's enough. Go catch us some fresh meat Dixon." I said pulling back and licking my lips.

"Will do babygirl. Keep an eye out for me." He said before walking away into the woods.

I went to our tent to get my bow out for my watch when I saw the leather vest Daryl always wore. I found it strange that he didn't have it on but it gave me the opportunity to wear it. I smiled and quickly pulled it on before walking back over to the RV and climbing up the latter. I sat down in the lawn chair Dale had set up and settled in.


*Daryl's POV*

I had been out in the woods for a few hours and only managed to catch a few squirrels so I kept walking to see if I couldn't find anything else. I wasn't really paying attention to the ground much so I wasn't aware of the snake close to my feet. It hissed at me and I jumped back without realizing how close to the edge of the ridge I was. I fell over the edge and rolled down to the river below, getting impaled by my own arrows in the process.

"Son of a bitch." I cussed as the pain shot through my body.

I gingerly crawled my way over to the riverbank. I got my knife out and cut the sleeves of my shirt off so I could make something to bind the arrow up with so it wouldn't move and cause more damage. After I had the arrow stabilized I looked up at the drop I had just taken and was shocked I survived it. I got to my feet and went to find a long stick to I could find my crossbow in the water. After I found the stick I heard rustling in the bushes so I knew I had to find my bow fast so I got back in the water and started using the stick to feel around it. It didn't take long to find it and after I did I started looking for a way back up the ridge. I found one and started to try and climb it with the pain in my side protesting with every move I made.

I made it a good ways up but wasn't sure if I could make it the rest of the way up. I tossed my stick away since it wasn't doing me much good and looked down then back up.

"Oh, come on. You've done half. Stop being such a pussy. Come on." I told myself.

I reached for the next tree but didn't get that good of a grip and lost my footing causing me to roll down back down to the bottom. I must've hit my head or something on the way down because I was hallucinating, seeing and talking to my brother.

Arrows and Angel Wings [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now