Chapter Thirty Seven

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*Danielle's POV*

The sun was just barely coming up over walls when Daryl's hands started shaking me awake.

"Daryl, what could be so important that you are waking me up at the crack of fucking dawn?" I grumbled.

"Do ya still want me to go on the run. Ya're getting ready to pop any day and I want to be here for that." He replied.

"Babe, go. I'm not due until after you get back. It'll all be okay, there's people here that'll help me if I do go into labor early." I told him slowly sitting up.

"Are ya sure? I don't have to, I'm sure Aaron would understand if I sit this one out." Daryl replied.

"Daryl, go. You've never been the type to go back on your word. Me and little Dixon will be just fine." I said a little more intently.

"Okay, I'll go. We should get up and get dressed, I told Aaron I'd meet him by the gate after sun up." Daryl nodded.

We got out of bed and get dressed, him more quickly than myself before we walked out of the house and down the street to the gates.

"Good morning Daryl, Danielle." Aaron smiled once he saw us.

I weakly smiled before yawned.

"Go on back to the house babygirl and get more rest." Daryl told me once he saw me yawning.

"It's your fault I'm even up right now." I replied.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry babygirl. Go on, I'll see ya when I get back." He sighed.

I quickly kissed him before I smiled and nodded Aaron then headed back for home.

I walked into the house, closed and locked the door before heading upstairs, stripping my clothes back off and getting back in bed, dozing back off to sleep.


After my nap I had finally decided to go see my midwife and get acquainted with her since it was getting close to the time of the baby's arrival. I got redressed and walked out of my house. I headed towards her house and when I walked up her front stairs I stood outside her door trying to work up the courage to knock.

I finally took a deep breath and knocked. It took a minute but the door opened to reveal a brunette with purple streaks through her hair.

"Hey, you must be Danielle. I'm Allie, come on in." She smiled opening the door wider.

I walked in and followed her to her kitchen.

"Do you want some tea?" She asked.

"Sure, what kind is it?" I asked.

"Peppermint, I hope that's okay." She replied.

"Yeah, I used to drink it on my way to class during the winter." I told her.

"So you were a student before the turn? Where?" She asked.

"Agnes Scott College in Decatur. I was in my fifth year there when the virus hit. I was studying Psychology with a minor in Pre-Med. It wasn't easy but I made due." I told her.

"You sounded like a busy girl." Allie laughed as she poured to boiling water over the tea bags.

"I was but I didn't mind. I liked to keep busy." I replied.

"Well with a newborn coming soon, you will be once again. I assume that why you come over today, to talk about the baby." Allie said adding sugar to her mug.

"Yeah, now that I have some free time to do so. Daryl left on his first run today and I'm a tad lonely." I replied taking the sugar spoon from her.

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