Chapter Thirty Three

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*Danielle's POV*

When I woke up I discovered that everyone around me was already up and busy since it was already late into the morning if not early afternoon. I also discovered that I had been moved from the floor to a pew with a blanket, a pillow and Daryl's vest still in my grasp.

He didn't come to bed last night? Hmm, strange.

I threw the covers off of me before getting up and making my way outside. I looked around and saw Daryl over by the graves so I walked down the stairs and over to him.

"Were you gonna let me sleep all day?" I asked.

He stopped digging and turned around, "If it was what yer body needed then yeah."

"Did you sleep last night?" I questioned.

"For a little while. I moved ya to a pew and had yer head in my lap so I could watch ya sleep for a little while. Ya were so cute with one of yer thumbs in yer mouth and holding my vest. I tried to take it from ya but ya wouldn't let it go so I let ya keep it." He replied.

"Oh, well here ya go." I said handing it back.

"Thanks babygirl. So we're pretty close to Atlanta and Rick thinks it'll be pretty clear so he wants to go on a run." He told me.

"I thought we were going to Washington today?" I asked confused.

"Nah, something happened last night and Rick changed his mind. Maggie, Glenn and Tara still went though." Daryl told me.

"Maggie left right after she got reunited with her sister?" I asked.

"Her and Beth had a good long talk for most of the night. Speaking of last night it surprised me that ya didn't wake up with all the shoutin going on around ya." Daryl replied.

"I was exhausted and I was dead to the world. I'm surprised you got me up last night." I told him.

He nodded and I put my hand on his cheek so I could check his eye out.

"Whatcha doin babygirl?" He asked.

"Just checking your eye. It's looking better. Does it still feel tender to the touch?" I replied.

"Nah, it's better. Come on we should help get the church walker proofed." He said kissing my palm.

We headed inside and he went to help Tyreese take the organ pipes down. Sasha was busting up pews so we could use the wood to secure the windows. Jonny and I took one side of the church and went to cover those windows.

"I'm going to Atlanta with them. I just wanted you to know." Jonny told me.

"I'll tell you the same thing I tell you every time you go out on a run. Be careful and watch each others backs." I replied.

"I will, you know that." Jonny said.

After we finished securing the church it was time for the others to leave.

"If you find anything for the baby, take it. We'll need everything we can find." I told Daryl.

"I will, anything else I should look for?" He asked.

I really wanted to tell him to look for a few things for us, our relationship but I didn't know how.

"Do ya want me to look for anything special for us?" He quietly whispered.

I nodded and he put a finger under my chin making me look at him, "What do ya want Daddy to look for babygirl?"

"Some coloring books and crayons would be nice and maybe a teddy bear. Oh and some princess books so you could read me bedtime stories again." I quietly replied.

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