Chapter Thirty Eight

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*Danielle's POV*

I woke up to the sound of crying and knew it was time to either change Caden or feed him again. I went to move but a hand stopped me.

"I'll get him. You can't be up yet." Allie told me.

"Where's Daryl?" I sleepily asked.

"He had to go see Rick but he said he'd be back asap." Allie replied.

Allie handed Caden to me and I started to breastfeed him.

"It's good that he's taken to breastfeeding so well. Most babies don't and we don't have any formula to feed him if he was one." Allie commented.

"Yeah, I know. We had that probably almost a year ago, Judith's mother died during childbirth so we had to feed her formula, which we didn't have at the time. Daryl and Maggie had to go out of find some." I replied.

I finished feeding Caden before I burped him and laid him down on the bed to change him. I didn't know where the huge stockpile of diapers came from but I wasn't about the question it either.

Allie placed Caden back in his bassinet and turned to me,"get more rest. I'll be back in to check on you both in a bit."

I nodded and went to get comfy as Allie walked out of the room closing the door behind her. I fell asleep pretty quickly after she had left the room.

*Daryl's POV*

We stood at the top of a quarry looking at probably thousands of walkers as Rick was giving his speech/going over the plan, "I know this sounds insane, but this in an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple. This is where is all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike," a noise cut Rick off as Sasha pointed out, "You see that?"

We watched as the rock under one of the trucks keeping the walkers in collapsed, setting the walkers free.

"It's open! We gotta do this now! We're doing this now!" Rick yelled as we scrambled to get in our positions.

"Tobin's group, get moving, go!" Rick yelled.

A guy told Rick that they weren't ready but he ignored it and went on, "Sasha! Abraham!"

"Damn straight. We'll do it live." Abraham replied.

"You meet Daryl at red. Let him take them through the gaunlet." Rick told them.

"Yeah, we meet him at red." Sasha agreed.

"Go!" Rick yelled.

It was a flurry of voices but I kept my eyes in a gap between two trucks, where a walker was trying and succeding to get through.

"They're coming!" I yelled.

Tobin moved one of the trucks as a walker got free so I shot it before I climbed on my bike. The others set off before I did since I had to lead the walkers out of the quarry and away from home.

I had enough distance between the walkers and the other since I wasn't going very fast. Once everybody had a good headstart Rick's voice came over the radio, "You all have your assignments. You know where to rendezvous. Daryl leads them out. Sasha and Abraham join him at the bottom of the hill. Glenn, you hit us when you take care of the walkers at the tractor place. That's the one thing we gotta get ahead of. Everybody keep your heads. Just keep up."

After a bit Sasha came over the radio, "We're at red at the bottom of the hill."

I pressed the button on my radio and said, "Alright, here comes the parade."

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