I Prefer Normal

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I groan and slam my hand on the snooze button of my alarm clock.

Today was the first day of school. And I was not exited for it. I mean who WANTS to leave your comfortable bed at 6:00 in the morning just to go to a social living hell? And all you do is sit and listen to a saggy old lady talk with red lipstick stains on her teeth.


The clock buzzes two minute later.

"KATE WAKE UP." My mom yells from the hallway. I moan and sit up in my bed. My hair was everywhere and I was defiantly not ready for any social activity.

"Kate! Kate! Kate!" A squeaky voice chirps from the door. I stand up and open it to see my little 6 year old brother naked.

"IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" He yells. I plug my ears blocking his loud yelling and singing. I slam the door and walk to my closet.

It's not one of those fancy, white, gold, walk in closets. It's a brown closet that is two feet in width and has a broken Handel. I slide it open and browse through my clothes.

"Hmmm." I him wondering what to wear. I choose light denim skinny jeans and a neon orange/pink v neck with a little pocket on the chest. I pull out a white tank top and some white flip flops. Nothing special. Im not one of those girls who wears a fucking diamond sequenced dress with silver shoes and some pearls. I hate those stuck up chicks who think they're better than you cause they have rich families and giant ass houses.

I put on my clothes and walk three feet to my mirror. It's filled with stickers of random things and duct tape. I brush my hair down and do my makeup. Not to heavy though. EW. Some people who COAT their faces in makeup are so fake. I just put a light thin of foundation, mascara and some white eye shadow. I grab my white iphone phone off the charger and walk to my desk. I grab my floral blue backpack and open the door and walk to the living room.

"Kate, your not even dressed up! It's your first day of senior year! Come on." She coos. I roll my eyes and purse my lips.

"It doesn't matter mom. I've been through this day 12 times." I say walking to the front door grabbing my trumpet case.

Yeah, I'm in band. I'm not one of those weird band nerds, I just enjoy playing it.

One of my best friends pull up into the drive way as I opened the door. She gives me a ride to school everyday since I don't trust myself to drive. I'm scared ill see a hot guy and crash into a building. And in Australia, that's happened often to people. Not the seeing the hot guy part but crashing into signs and tiny building. Nothing big.

"Bye mom." I flash a fake smile and walk out the door. Lexi rolls down the window and smiles.

"We'll dont you look casual?" She snickers. I flip her off and chuckle. I hop into the front seat and throw my backpack into the back.

"Jesus, your gonna break everything in that back!" Lexi yells gasping. I shrug and plug in my head phones.

"None of it matters to me." I finish the conversation. She drives on with silence not attempting to talk to me over my music. She knows not to interrupt me when I'm listening to music. It's my everything along with drawing, my phone, sleep, food and making people laugh.

We arrive to High School and we already see jocks bullying nerds, freshman screaming and fangirling over the hot seniors, and the slutty girls with booty skirts and flirting with every guy they see. Then my group of friends. We aren't the most popular people. I mean we're like the second step up. We don't like any of the real populars so we tend to keep our distance from them. Lexi pulls up to a parking spot and we hop out. She walks next to me and grins as we walk inside. As we pass everyone we ignore them. I don't give two fucks about people. I only care about my friends an family.

We get Inside and see my boyfriend making out with some stranger, my best friend sobbing on the ground and my gay best friend with a bloody nose.

Welcome to high school.

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