The "New" Boy

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The school day goes by fast. The whole time I was in deep thought and didn't really talk to anyone.


My phone chimes. I answer it walking down the street.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Kate, it's harry!"

"Hey haz."

"Are we still meeting at the coffee shop?"

"Yup." I say popping the "p".

"Great! I'm here already, just waiting for you as always.''

Turning around the street corner I notice that boy from earlier. I keep my eyes on him not aware of anything else. He's walking with a group of guys, I don't recognize any of them, except one guy.


What the hell was he doing with him? Are they a gang? Are they some type of prostitutes? Knowing Calum I wouldn't be surprised.

I was walking, thinking and staring, as Harrys voice awoke me.

"Kate?!" He yells from the coffee shop. Hm. I must've not noticed I walked all the way here. I click end on my phone and smile.

"Hey harry." I say still looking at Calum and his group of guys. Harrys hand waves in front of my face, I flinch in fright.

"Jesus Christ, what's up with you? First you didn't answer me on the phone when I talked, then now your spacing off?" He asks putting his hands on his hips.

"Nope I'm just fine." I grin.

I hate lying to him but If I say something's up he'll make a big deal about it. I love harry to death but he's a bit over protective. I can't tell him to stop cause he might be under protective. He has to be so complicated doesn't he?

"Hey, Kate?" A voice asks from behind me. Harrys smile goes to a straight line. I turn around and see the boy. I tilt my head.

"Er.. Hi?"

"I'm sorry about earlier. Is your toe okay? Or does your whole foot hurt?" He questions, I already know he's a shy boy.

"It's alright." I respond pinching his cheek. He blushes and looks over my shoulder to harry. His eyes widen. Harrys jealous. Just perfect.

"Here, lemme buy you some coffee." The boys says pulling out some money.

"It's alright, we were just leaving." Harry snaps grabbing my arm. I yank it back to my side and pout my lip.

"It's fine, don't waste your money on me. Here..." I whisper giving him a 10$.

"Go buy your girlfriend something." I continue. He frowns and hands it back.

"That's impossible."

"That's a damn shame, a boy as sexy as you should have girls drooling all over you." I chuckle. I try to get him in a better mood. He doesn't really need to apologize for stepping on my shoe. People do it all the time. And half of them don't even say sorry. What douchebags.

"What's your name anyway?"

"My names Ashton. But you can call me anything you want!" There he goes again, with the 'whatever YOU want' thing. Honestly it gets annoying.

"I'll just call you ashton, we should go out sometime, to the lake?" I kinda wanna get to know him. He seems like a sweet guy. But the downside is that he's friends with Calum.

"How bout tomorrow at 5:00?" He says smiling. I know he likes this idea.

"Sure. Well bye!" I finalize when harry pulls my arm away again. Ashton waves and puts his hand to his heart.

"What the fuck was he doing, having a heartattack? I'm I that scary?" I ask harry, he notices what he does and intertwines our fingers.

"No." His answer very clear and short.

"What's wrong?"


"What about him?" I sternly respond.

"He makes me sick. Did you not see how he was flirting?!"

"I was the one flirting. And I was trying to make him feel better!" I snap. Harry rolls his eyes.

"Whatever.." He mumbles.

We both stay quiet for the rest of the way to my house. He drops me off and he walks home. As soon as I walk inside I kick off my shoes and go to my room. I open my camera to do a vlog for my YouTube account.

"Hey everyone! I'm SOO sorry I haven't made a video in a few days. I've been busy! I've missed all of you!" I say blowing a kiss.

"But anyways, my day has been okay." I lie.

"I met an awesome guy today, and if he's watching he better be blushing!" I say winking, I laugh.

"I've also got awesome news! Me and someone special are gonna be collaborating next main channel video! Guess who it is in the comments!" I point down referring to the computer screen.

"Well I hope you had a good day, I love you all! GOOOODD BYYEEE!" I finish the vlog and turn off the camera. I immediately upload it to my daily vlog channel and flop onto my bed.

Today's been exhausting.

Drama. Drama. Drama.


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70+ reads for next chapter. 🌸

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