The Plan

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I come up with a plan. To make Calum jealous, ill find a guy and pretend to be with him. Now, who was gonna be my fake boyfriend?

I scroll thought my contacts wondering who'd be a good actor and who'd actually go with the plan. I land on one of my best friends, Harry.

I tap on his contact and call him.

"Hello?" He answers.


"Haha what's up?"

"Uhm I need your help."

"With what love?"

I bit my lip wondering how I was gonna explain it.

"Just come over ASAP (:"

"Sure thing (; "

Harry has always had a crush on me ever since we were little. I've always said no to him cause I never wanted to date until junior year. That's when I dated Calum. Until now, I mean I don't find harry unattractive, he's actually very fit and handsome.


Harry was here! Already? Damn. I run out to the living room and open the door. Harry stands there smiling ear to ear.

"Harry!" Jakie yells as he runs to him hugging him tightly.

"Heyy!" Harry coos spinning him around. He sets him down and walks over to me kissing my cheek. I blush and grab his hand pulling him to my room. Luke comes out of his room and sees harry and me in the hallway.

"Kate? What is he doing here." Luke snaps. I roll my eyes and push him away.

"Leave him alone. And even better, leave US alone." I spit back at him. He glares and walks back into his room.

"Sorry haz." I apologize sitting on my bed with him. He grins and shakes his head.

"It's ok. Me and luke have never seemed to get along." I sigh and pull out my phone.

"So uh what did you call me over here for?" He asks laying on the bed facing the ceiling.

"I need your help making Calum jealous." I explain as he sits up and places a confused look on his face.


"He cheated on me an is already sleeping with another girl. I need to make him think I already have another guy!"

"So you called me over just for a little trick on your ex?"

"Uhh.. Yeah. I thought you'd wanna help."

"Fine ill help." He gives in. I smile and nod my head.

"Okay! Where shall we go on our first date?" I wink as he smiles.

"How about a movie?" He suggests.

"Great! There's a new movie out called 'conjuring' we should go see that!" I say exited. He scrunches up his nose.

"A scary movie? I get scared easily!"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you!" I say sarcastically. He smiles and stands up.

"Ready for our fake date?"




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