Chapter 9

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Paige POV

"What the hell are you doing, Joshua? Get off her!" I opened my eyes to see an angry Dylan storming towards us.

He grabbed the leader- Joshua's collar and jabbed his jaw. Joshua instantly fell to the floor. Dylan climbed over on top of Joshua and repeatedly throwing punches at that poor boy's face. I can see blood flowing out from Joshua's nose. After realizing that Joshua is half conscious, Dylan get up and kicked Joshua's stomach. He then turned around and looked at me.

"Let her go, bastards." His tone is filled with authority. The two boys immediately released me from their grip and ran towards Joshua. They picked him up and fled away.

I was standing right in front of Dylan, looking at him with tear-stained cheeks. I've never seen this side of him. Without realizing, i am already in Dylan's embrace crying.

"Shhhh... It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright." Dylan cooed beside my ear while caressing my hair.

"It's okay, they're gone. Im here now." I heaved  a sigh of relief. I in his arms. This is all what i need now. Comfort. I continued to sob.


Dylan POV

I was half an hour late for my detention. I did not do my biology homework. I was late because i was stuck with Kate after school. She has been so clingy to me lately.

As i opened the door, Mr Albert is sleeping with his mouth hanging opened. I cringed at the sight of him. Just as i turned around, i saw a girl being pinned up against the wall by two boys and the other one is touching her neck. Wait, is that Paige?

"What the hell are you doing, Joshua? Get off her!" I gritted my teeth.

Joshua is the school bad boy who always gets into trouble and end up in detention room. He is rude, and always bully kids during detention. I was quite shocked to not see his face in here during second day of school.

I stormed towards him and grabbed him by his collar. I gave him one of my powerful punch right at his jaw causing him to fall onto the floor. I tackled him right there. I was so furious. Anger start to take control and i can't seem to stop giving him my punches. After realizing he is not moving anymore, i stood up and kicked his stomach. I looked up to see that the two boys still have their hands on Paige.

"Let her go, bastards." I glared at them. They looked so timid after witnessing what had happened and instantly let go of Paige and fled, carrying Joshua along.

I stared at Paige. She looked so fragile. I pulled her into my arms. My shirt is soaked with her tears. I started to blame myself for not being there to protect her.

"Shhhh... It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright." I comforted her while caressing her hair.

"It's okay, they're gone. I'm here now." I felt her body relaxed. She sobs even harder. To be honest, i don't want to let her go but i had to.

I pulled her away from my chest. I cupped her cheeks and looked into her watery green eyes. I used my thumbs to wipe off her tear.

"Did they hurt you?" I asked softly.

She shook her head.

"Are you hurt?" It makes me sick thinking back Joshua's hand trailing down her neck.

She shook her head.

"Is everything alright there?" Oh Mr Albert is awake? Wow, you just missed a show.

"Yeah we're fine." I hissed at him. Too pissed.

I ushered Paige to her desk. I know she had to complete 10 sets of math work and i know how much she hated them. So, i took those work from her table and start doing it for her.

After I've completed, i looked at Paige. She is sleeping soundlessly. I took this moment to stare at her. I tucked the strand of her hair that is covering up her face behind her ear. She looks adorable. Her eyebrows are knitted together. Her lips are dried up. The temptation to moisten those lips... I quickly shook my head.

"Paige. Paige. Wake up." I lightly tap her shoulder.

"Hmmmm..." She hummed then turned her head so she is facing the other side. I smiled to myself.

"Wake up sleepy head." I shook her body. She doesn't even budge. And idea pop up.

I started to tickle her stomach until she wakes up. And finally, she is wide awake.

"!" Laughter filled the room. Mr Albert giving us a glare.

"Wake up already?" I asked still tickling her.

"Y... Yes...yes! I woke up already! Stop Dylan! Its ticklish!" This time, both of us are on the floor laughing hysterically.

Just then, my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id. What now, kate?

"Hey babe. What's up?" I answered feeling uninterested.

"My mum invited you over for dinner. Please say yes." She whined.

"Okay. I'll be there in a while."

"Thank you, sugar! I love you! See you later!" She chirped happily.

"Love you." I end the call.

I looked up to see that Paige is already gone.

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