Chapter 4

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Paige POV

This time i woke up before i get another ice bucket challenge. My back ache so much. I had to crack my knuckles, my neck and my back and shake my body to wake my body up. It takes a moment to realize I've been sleeping for the whole night in a sitting posture with my head on my study table. The first thing that i saw was my math homework still incomplete. Second day of school and im getting a detention. Great!

Shay and Scarlette are already at my locker. Why are they early anyways?

"Hi guys." My tone is dragging. Probably im still sleepy.

"Paige. I gotta tell you something. We overheard Mrs Hemmington said that Robert is transferring to your class. Im not sure why." What? So that explains why they were waiting for me at my locker.

"Are you serious?" They nodded their heads. Just great.

I head to my classroom right after saying goodbye to Shay and Scarlette. Apparently, im early today. Yay to myself. I took the window seat where i sat yesterday. Soon, Dylan came in and take the seat next to me. An idea pop up.

"Hi Dylan!" I said in a cheery tone.

"Hi Paige. What's up?" He looked at me weirdly.

"Just the ceilings. Hahahaha jokes" I tried to joke.

"Haha very funny." Wow sarcastic.

"I...i actually wanted to ask whether or not... I could lend your maths homework to copy. I forgot about doing mine." He raised his eyebrow probably shocked after hearing my request.

"Wow. I actually thought you're the miss goody goody that will do homework on time. But i was wrong to judge. Here's the thing. I also did not do the homework." This time, it's my turn to raised my eyebrow. He doesn't look worried or anything.

I let out a sigh of frustration. What am i going to do? I rather hang out with my friends than be in detention.

"Nevermind. We're in this together." He winked at me. Stop doing that Dylan!

The class is getting filled with more and more students. Then i saw Robert strolling in with his bag slung on his right shoulder. He saw me and nodded towards my direction. He casually walk and grabbed the empty seat behind me. I mentally slapped my forehead. Of course he nodded at the empty chair!

Dylan turned around to face Robert. "Hi, im Dylan. You're new student here?"

"Robert. Nope, not new. Just transferred from other class."

"Oh why is that so?" The curious Dylan asked.

"My name was no stated in the class list. Yesterday our teacher didn't came. Just an exchanged teacher took over our class and she does not have the class list. This morning, i just found out from my teacher that i'll be in Mrs Hemmington's class. So yeah, hope this class is great!" So that's the reason. But seriously? A form teacher absent on the first day of school?

"You're in the right class man." Dylan took out his fist to bro fist with Robert. Best friends already?

Just then, Mrs Hemmington entered the class.

"Class, we have a new student. It's Robert. Treat him well. Oh, he's sitting right behind Dylan and Paige." All eyes on Robert.

"Hi everyone!" Robert waved at the class with his proud smile.


"Alright, class. Have you done your homework? Please put it on your desk and i'll come down row by row to check." I glanced around to see that everybody has already placed their assignment on the desk, well, except me and Dylan of course.

"Well, well, well. Where's your homework young lady? Ah, look. Dylan forgotten to bring his homework, as usual." Our maths teacher, Ms Jenny looked disappointed. Before im about to come with some lame excuses, Ms Jenny interrupt.

"Detention right after school both of you. Complete ten sets of this homework and then you can be released. Understood?" I slumped back in my chair. Dylan doesn't even look bothered.

"Yes Ms Jenny," Me and Dylan said in unison.

Second day sucks. Did i mentioned that i still have another half the day in school? Don't forget, it's still not lunch break yet.

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