Chapter 19

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Paige POV

I am freaking out now. Having math as the first paper for mid year is not good. I can't depend on Dylan for answers as he is all the way to the back of the classroom while me, at the front row.

I looked around me. Everybody is busy scribbling down their answers. Me on the other hand, trying so hard figuring out what does the question even asked for. I tapped my pen on the table vigorously.

"Paige, you are distracting your peers. Please stop doing that." Ms Jenny said in a low tone that only me can hear. I instantly stopped my pen tap.

After wasting much time, i decided to scribble down whatever i know on the paper. I think i only did 5 questions? Out of 50? And that's it. I kept my calculator and my stationeries in my pencil case and lie my head down on the table.

"Paige, wake up. Time's up." Ms Jenny took my math exam paper and proceed to collect others row by row.

Phew, math is done. Biology, here we go.

I had biology exam the next day and geography the following day. Biology paper is a piece of cake. Every single thing that i memorized literally came out. Geography was okay...

Before i knew it, mid year has ended. Yay! Time to enjoy before finals. Teachers were given a week to finish marking our exam papers. To be honest, i don't really care about other subjects. I only want to know my biology results.


I was walking back home from school when someone called my name. I turned around to see Robert jogging towards me.

"Paige..." He take a deep breath and then he breathe out.

"Are you free this Sunday?" He asked.

"Ermmm... I'm working this weekend. Why?" I knitted my eyebrow.

"Never mind. It's okay." He looked sad.

"Why, Robert?"

"I...i thought of asking you out for a movie. But since you have to work, i guess next time then." Awww Robert asking me out!

"Wait! What time? I mean, i can ask my manager if i can change to morning shift just for you." Now he looked so happy with that wide smile on his face.

"Really? Paige, i can't believe you would agree to go out with me. Okay, I'll pick you up at 3? Is that okay?" Robert is so hopeful.

"That would be great. I'll see you this Sunday then. Bye, Robert." I waved to him and turned around to continue my journey back home. I swear i heard Robert shouted "yes". I just shook my head.

I dialed Mary's number on my phone. She answered at the second ring.

"Hello? Mary? This is Paige. Can i change to morning shift instead of afternoon shift on Sunday? I have plans. Pleaseeeeeee."

"Hmmm... Alright, alright. So, your schedule for this Sunday is 7 to 2. Okay?" Mary sounded so kind.

"That's awesome. Thank you so much Mary! See you!" With that, i ended the call. That was easy.

Just as i reached home, my mum asked me questions about mid year.

"Honey, how was your exams?"

"It was okay, mum. Just ended my last paper." I told her.

"When is your results?" So eager already?

"Maybe next week? I don't know, mum. I'll let you know when i find out."

"Okay. I was just worried. You know this is your last practice paper before your finals? I really want you to go into college, Paige. You should be getting As this time round." Mum is so concern when it comes to studies.

"I know, i know. Don't worry. I tried my best already." My heart is beating so fast. I knew i didn't do my very best.

"That's good. Now, go and shower then come down to eat your dinner. I cook specially for you." So sweet of you mum.

I head upstairs to have a real quick shower then proceed to have my dinner downstairs with my mum. She cooked my favorite spaghetti. Yay!

After dinner, i went to my room. I was so bored and decided to explore the social media. I browse through pinterest, facebook, instagram, snapchat, everything, you name it. Lastly, i decided to tweet.

So bored. What should i do?

Just then, i received a notification. Dylan replied my tweet.

Time to study math, Paige.

Are you serious?

Not again, Dylan.

You should. Finals are next. Time to buck up.

No, no, no. No math.

Whatever you say, Paige. Just make a little effort ;)

A smile crept up my lips. Shoot! Did i just smile at that winked emoji? Urrghh, Dylan!! I ignored him and decided to watch online movie.

Instead of watching the movie, the movie end up watching me.

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