Chapter 12

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Dylan POV

"Hey what happened yest-" I was about to ask Paige what happened yesterday that she was absent from school when Mrs Hemmington greeted the class.

Paige doesn't even looked at me for me to continue my question. Is she ignoring me?

"Paige-" Again i was cut off by Mrs Hemmington's question directed to me.

"Dylan, will you help me get a new whiteboard duster from the office? This duster is spoiled."

"Sure, Mrs Hemmington." I stood up and head towards the office.

After returning back with a brand new whiteboard duster from the office, i flopped down on my seat. I decided not to ask Paige any question since I've been interrupted 2 times in a row.

Paige has been extra quiet today. She do her own things and i do mine. I badly wanted to ask her why is she absent from school yesterday. I have been so lonely and i kind of actually missed her. Did i just say that? Oh god. Please don't tell kate. I also wanted to ask her if she is okay after being bullied by Joshua. Thinking back of Joshua, make my blood boil.

Why am i having these foreign feelings?


Paige POV

I was hoping that Dylan would continue his question. I thought after returning from the office, he would ask me whatever he is trying to ask. But, no. He stayed silent. Is he ignoring me?

My thoughts keep on flashing the incident 2 days ago. I was fiddling with my pen. I don't even paid attention during biology class. What was i thinking? Why does Dylan bothered me so much?

Then, the bell rang. It's lunch time. I packed my things and walked out.

I stopped halfway through the class and walk back towards my desk.

"Thank you." I said to Dylan and left.

During lunch time, Shay was talking animatedly. I couldn't concentrate on what she is talking. I was twisting my noodle using my fork.

"Paaaaiiiiggggeeeee!! Are you listening? Should i be wearing red or green this Saturday?" Shay waving her hands in front of me.

"Wha...what were you saying?" I came back to reality

"Hais. Paige. What's wrong? I was talking about what color should i wear for dinner this Saturday." Shay sighed.

"Dinner? What dinner?" Gosh, how far i left this conversation?

"Im having a family dinner with the family of my dad's friend." Shay is now not interested. I can tell that by her now changed tone.

"Sorry Shay. I've been through enough lately. I guessed I'm just tired. Well, my lady, please share with us what is making you so excited for this dinner?" I said clapping my hands together pretending to be interested. Scarlette is already giggling.

"Fine. Fine. Well, i had a crush on the son of my dad's friend. He is a year older than us. He is so the boyfriend material." I can see the glint in her eyes.

"Oh. My. God. Girl! What's his name?" Scarlette asked getting all too excited.

There we go. Chatting non-stop until we were late for the next lesson.


Time flies so fast! It is already Sunday. As usual, work eight hours today.

A customer came to me. "Can i have just a small cappuccino having here please? Oh, can you please don't add too much milk? I want to have more of coffee taste."

"Sure, will do, Sir." I smiled to him.

"The other day, a barista did my coffee and all i taste is milk. Is she trained?" The customer asked.

"Yes, Sir. All baristas here are trained. Different barista have different sets of skills. But don't worry sir, i will do specially for you." I convinced my customer.

"Thank you, Paige." He then waited patiently for his drink.

"Here you go. Enjoy your drink! Have a nice day, Sir." He nodded and head towards his seat.

No customers now. Meaning, house keeping time. I wiped off the dust that has accumulated on top of the cake chamber. I wiped off the powder stained on the counter top. I swept and mopped the floor. Stock up every powder, coffee beans and soon, the same customer come by again.

"Your drink is absolutely scrumptious. Thank you again, Paige." His smile reached his ear, satisfied with his drink.

"Why thank you sir. See you again!" I was so delighted to receive such a compliment. He just make my day.

"Told you." Someone's voice interrupted. Dylan came into view. My smile instantly disappear.

"I would like to have ice mocha with whipped cream, please." He ordered.

After collecting the payment, i proceed with the drink. Soon, the drink is ready to be served.

"Here you go. Would you like to have a carrier?" I asked normally.

"Yes please. Thank you Paige." He smiled showing his teeth. So cute! I pretend not to be bothered by his cute smile. I placed his drink in the carrier and handed over to him.

"Paige, can i-"

"Next order please." I waved to the customer behind Dylan. Just go, Dylan. You making me feel so...alien.

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