Chapter 28

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It's been a couple weeks now, and everything seems to be back how it use to be. I'm back to only having Lara as a friend and the...Ramsey brothers are back to themselves. Well almost.

Jai is still himself. He also does a pretty good job of acting like I don't exist. But that's how I want it to be even if it does hurt.

Liam hasn't been his cheerful self lately. He's always sticking his nose in a book and ignoring everyone around him. Except his brothers. However he does not act like Jai and ignore me. Instead he looks at me from time to time with a pained expression and one of guilt.

Ashton might of been kind of a 'bad boy' before but now he really is one. He's always getting into fights and yelling at everyone. Many fear him nowadays but I can tell he's in pain. He tries not to look at me but sometimes it happens and he curses and then walks away.

Luke isn't the same. I can't even talk about him without my heart aching. I know it's my fault but I can't seem to go back to him. I'm scared. The dark circles underneath his eyes are darker. He looks as if he hasn't slept for days. I frown. I know he must hate me for leaving him and breaking my promise. I honestly do feel awful about it but I can't help it. Fear has taken over me and I just have to stay away. Although I do find myself wanting to speak to Luke. I caused him pain and that's the last thing he needed. He was doing so good and I ruined it.

The bell rings and school is over. I hurry out of my class, feeling tears form in my eyes. Thinking about the Ramsey brothers is so painful. I need to get home- I suddenly ran into a hard force, knocking me down.

"Sorry- oh it's you." I knew that voice. I knew it all too well. I quickly gathered the things I dropped without looking at the person in front of me. My heart was beating fast and I was trying my hardest to fight back the tears but my vision kept getting blurrier. "I see you won't talk to me no matter what. You could at least say sorry for running into me."

"S-Sorry." The tears started falling.

A hand grabbed onto my last book that was on the floor and handed it to me. "Leave her alone Ashton," he hisses. "Are you alright? Why are you crying?" It was Liam. I cried even more as I stood up straight.

"I'm fine."

Ashton scoffed. "Why bother even talking to her. She'll either ignore us or keep it short. She obviously wants nothing to do with us. We should go."

"Shut up Ashton. Even if we don't talk anymore. She's still my friend. I still worry about her." Liam still considers me a friend? He still worries about me? How? How can he still think all of that when I broke my promise and left them. I don't get it.

"How can you consider her friend after what she did to us. What she did to Luke!" Ashton raised his voice, making me flinch. He's mad and I don't blame him.

"Luke will be fine and so will we." What happened to Luke?

Ashton put his hands in his hair and roughly messed it up as he groaned out loud. "Maybe you will but I won't and neither will Luke. I'm hurt. I'm so angry and sad I don't even know what to do anymore! Luke is in so much pain I wouldn't be surprised if he takes his own damn life sooner or later! Have you even seen him eat or sleep? He looks like he's dying and his nightmares have come back and all I hear is screaming during the night! I'"

I felt sick. Bile started to make its way in my throat. I covered my mouth with one hand. I did this. I did this to them. I didn't expect to have such a impact on their life's. I didn't know that me leaving them would cause this much trouble for them. But then again they have gone through a lot. Especially Liam and Luke. And I just made everything thing worse for them all over again.

"Allison what's wrong? Do you need me to drive you home?" Liam held onto my shoulders, looking me in the eyes. He actually seemed worried. How could I do this to him? I'm so sorry Liam. I'm so sorry to you and your brothers. "Allison?"

"I'm leaving. I can't stand this. Just get her out of here and take her home." Ashton left and now it was only me and Liam in the hallway, besides a few other students.

I didn't want Liam to drive me home because I knew I would get attached to him and the others again. I just wanted to stay away from them but it seems like I can't. I don't pull away when he takes my hand into his and leads me outside of the school and to his car. He helps me into the passengers seat and buckles me up. Then he looks at me and gives me a quick smile before closing the door and then getting into the drivers seat. He starts the car and drives towards my home.

It was silent the whole ride to my house until he pulled into my driveway.

"Can I tell you something about Luke? You don't have to respond back. You can just listen."

I wanted to say no and just go inside but I was worried about Luke and I did want to know even though I probably shouldn't. It breaks the whole deal of me staying away from them.

"Okay, I'll listen."

"I'm worried about Luke. His nightmares have gotten worse and so have the circles underneath his eyes. He's not sleeping or hardly eating anymore. He also hasn't been doing a lot of talking. Not that he talked that much before but when you were around he started too and now he just closed himself off from everything and everyone." He deeply sighed. "I'm scared Allison." His voice cracked and I found myself crying again. I surprised myself by reaching over and wrapping my arms around him. He moved over closer so that the hug wasn't awkward and uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Liam. I really am. I just made myself stay away because I was scared and thought it would be best for me. But I wasn't even thinking about what would be best for you and the others. I didn't expect to be such a big part of you and your brothers life's. I'm sorry." I pulled away from the hug and wiped my eyes.

"It's okay. I understand. I would have been scared too. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you. It's my fault-"

I put a hand up to stop him. "It's my fault. I'm the one who ignored your warning and still got close to you all."

He let out a breath. "I missed talking to you." Honestly I missed talking to him too. "I wish you would come back and everything would go back to how it use to be but I know that's a selfish thing of me to even ask." Before I could say anything he spoke again. "Anyways I better get going. It was nice being able to talk to you again." Was it bad that I didn't want to leave him?

"It was nice talking to you too. Goodbye Liam." I got out of the car and walked towards my door. I glanced back at Liam and waved. You don't know how much I miss you and the others.

Sorry if there is any spelling errors. I haven't looked over this yet.

The ending to this book is almost near like maybe three or four more chapters left and then it's done.

Next chapter will be intense.

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