Chapter 4

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The car ride was a little awkward. I only said a few things and Luke said nothing but thankfully the other boys were very outgoing and there wasn't one silent moment.

"Oh shit, this use to be my song!" Jai turned up the volume on the radio. Bite My Tongue by You Me At Six featuring Oli Sykes. Even though it's a old song. It's still a really good song. "I would have sex to this song." He said out loud. All the boys burst out laughing but Luke. He had his hood on and was looking out the window while tapping his foot. I guess he liked this song too.

"That's disgusting," I crinkled my nose in disgust. "But this song is a really good song."

"Oh yeah sorry. I kind of forgot you were in the car," Jai glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Oh gee thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"It's just that you're so quite. You remind me of Luke the mute," He chuckled. Mute? Do people call him that or just Jai? I looked over at Luke who didn't seem offended by it or maybe he was but didn't feel like speaking? To be honest I thought it was a little rude he calls Luke the mute. I wouldn't like it if someone called me that.

"Don't call him that," I said, surprising myself that I'm sticking up for him.

"Why not?" Jai asked.

"Because it's kind of rude."

"But that's what everyone calls him," Jai shrugged not thinking it was a big deal.

"So? He probably doesn't like it."

"Are you trying to argue with me?" Jai turned around and looked into my eyes causing my breath to hitch. He's one attractive boy that's for sure. "Because I will totally win," He smirked.

"No you won't," I shook my head.

"Oh really?" He gave me a challenging look.

"Can you both shut up!" Ashton growled from beside me. "You both won't win. We all know I would win the argument."

"You weren't even in the argument," Jai glared at him.

"Well I am now," Ashton crossed his arms.

"Can you all just shut up but Allison," Liam said. "I'm trying to drive and you are all distracting me."

"Why do we have to shut up but Ali doesn't?" Ashton asked. Every time he says my nickname it gave me this tingly feeling inside.

"Because she's cool unlike you two," Liam said. I smiled to myself.

"Cool? She only has one friend," Jai said. Thanks Jai way to make me feel good about myself. What a jerk..

"She has two now," Luke said. Surprising me and all the boys. I honestly thought he hated me? So he likes me as a friend? Aw.

"Nope now she has three," Liam said. Wow I was really feeling the love. I couldn't help but smile. Are they serious? They want to be my friend? Wow.

"We are here!" Ashton sung. Surprisingly he had a good voice. Wouldn't have expected the bad boy to be a good singer.

Everyone got out of the car and walked up to the fast food building. Everyone went inside. Luke held the door open for me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"That wasn't for you," He walked passed me. "It was for me," He let go of the door letting it close in my face. I groaned in annoyance. I thought we were friends? What happened?

I grabbed onto the door handle and opened it. I walked in and followed Luke. We all sat down at a booth. I sat beside Liam and across from me was Luke and beside Luke was Ashton and beside Ashton was Jai.

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