Chapter 29

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter will be dealing with self harm and blood. Please don't read this if it will trigger you. I will leave a quick summary for those of you who don't read this chapter, in my authors note at the end that will explain the chapter in a way that will make it non-triggering.

This can't be happening!

I collapsed onto my bed, holding my phone with trembling hands. I must have read it wrong. I had to of read it long.

I let out a shaky breath before rereading the message again.

Luke: I messed up. I just wanted for the pain to go away. There's so much of it. Oh god I'm so stupid.

I didn't read it wrong.

I hurriedly rushed out of my house, not caring about anything other than Luke. I hopped into my car, starting the ignition. I sent a message to Ashton about Luke, and he told me he'll go check on him.

The tears wouldn't stop. They clouded my vision, making it hard for me to see. Fortunately I was able to make it to the Ramsey brother's house.

I ran up to the front door, banging my fists against it as loudly as I could. Seconds passed and finally the door opens. Ashton stand there, his eyes red and his hands stained with a red substance. I knew exactly what it was. Blood. My stomach twisted into knots.

Ashton was on the phone, asking for the ambulances and giving out his address. Obviously he was speaking with a 911 operator.

I didn't wait for him to say anything to me. Instead I ran pass him and straight to Luke's room. I scanned his bedroom but he wasn't here. My eyes flicker over to his bathroom and I run over to it.

My eyes widen, and a feeling of nausea took over. I bring my trembling hands to my mouth. Oh my god.

Luke is lying on the ground, fresh cuts on his pale wrists, dripping blood that lands on the ground beneath him, soaking his pants. He was losing so much blood that his skin is a sickly pale color.

"Luke?" I called out.

He mumbles something to me but I wasn't able to understand him.

I move closer to him and sit beside him. I glance down at his wrists, worrying about the blood. I need to put pressure on it. I glance around the bathroom, searching for anything that could help stop the bleeding. There was nothing besides a small, hand towel. I grab onto it, and try my best to wrap it around his wrist. Unfortunately this only helps with one of his wrist. I needed something for his other wrist.

A sudden thought ran through my mind. My shirt! That could help. I quickly took off my shirt and wrapped it around his other wrist. I then huddled closer to him, taking his hand into mine.


He slowly opens his eyes, and I could tell it was hard for him to keep them open. "Allison?" His voice is strained.

I give his hand a little squeeze and kissed his shoulder before leaning my head against him. "Yeah it's me. I'm here Luke."

"Hey," he forces a smile. It was small and didn't last long but I saw it. "I missed you."

Tears stream down my face. "I missed you too. I'm so sorry that I haven't been here for you."

"You were scared. It wasn't your fault."

"I know, but I made a promise to you and I didn't keep it."

"It's okay...I should be the one saying sorry."

His eyes started to close. I leaned away from him and shook his shoulders, trying my best to keep him awake until the ambulance got here. "Luke stay with me!"

Loud sobs escapes my lips as I look at my now blood stained hands.

" you, Allison."

His eyes were completely shut and his body went limp. I screamed his name over and over again. He didn't answer.

I place my fingers against his neck, praying for a pulse. It was weak, but he has a pulse and that's all that matters.

I could hear the sound of sirens in the distance.

"They're almost here Luke," I cried.

Please don't leave me.

I can't believe I actually updated this.

I'm sorry to my readers who have been waiting so long for this! I honestly didn't plan on coming back and updating. But here I am.

I don't expect that many votes or comments because most of my readers probably gave up on it (I don't blame them). the readers who didn't read this because of the trigger warning. I wanted to give you some info on what happened this chapter. Luke sent Allison a disturbing message about how he put his life in danger. She then drives over to the Ramsey brother's house and finds Luke in his bathroom who is hurt from self harming. She stays with him while Ashton calls 911 for help. Allison ends up apologizing for breaking her promise with Luke and Luke says it isn't her fault. He ends up confessing that he loves her before he passes out. The chapter ends with sirens being heard in the distance and Allison saying to Luke not to leave her.

Also if you are going through a difficult time, please seek help or talk to someone who you trust, about how you're feeling! I know it's hard but it's okay to ask for help. It's something that I had to do and I am honestly so glad I did.

Remember you are strong and you are loved! I love you readers! :)

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