Chapter 21

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Luke and I decided to join the crowd of all the people who are dancing. I noticed Lara and Liam dancing with each other. Actually I wouldn't call it dancing...

"You should know I'm really bad at dancing," I mumbled, sounding a bit embarrassed at the fact I can't dance.

"It's okay. I'm really bad at it too," He said, gently grabbing my arms and wrapping them around his neck. He then placed his hands on my waist and he pulled me towards him. He began to sway to the music but I didn't. I was too tense. "It's alright. Just rest your head on me," He smiled down at me. I rested my head on his shoulder and slowly started to become less tense. His hands slowly traveled down to my hips. We stayed like this for a good few minutes just swaying side to side to the slow songs. Both of us quite. Not saying a word. I tuned out everyone around us and focused on his steady heartbeat that would quicken from time to time.

"Hey you two lovebirds. Why don't you take a couple of shots," Jai said from beside us. Way to ruin the moment.

Luke and I pulled apart, turning towards Jai who had a cheesy smile on his face while holding a grey tray with some shot glasses on it. "I can't drink tonight. I have to drive home," I said.

"Aw," Jai pouted. "How about you Lukey poo?" He moved the tray in front of Luke's face.

"No thanks," Luke shook his head.

"Oh come on. Please little bro," He begged. Luke groaned, grabbing a shot glass and swallowed it down, making a disgusted face. "Another one! Another one!" Jai shouted. Some people around us joined in shouting the same thing Jai was. Luke glanced around at the people surrounding us, looking uncomfortable. I grabbed a hold of Luke's hand and gave it a tight squeeze, reassuring him it was alright. He smiled down at me before grabbing another shot and swallowing it down.

"Woo!" The people cheered along with Jai.

"Okay now I'm taking a shot with you," Jai held up his shot and Luke grabbed onto his third shot glass, clinking it together with Jai's. "Okay I'll leave you to your lover now," Jai laughed, stumbling a bit as he walked over to Ashton who is glaring at us. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"Hey do you wanna go to my room?" Luke asked, looking down at me. I nodded. He held onto my hand, pulling me along with him through the crowd and up the stairs to his room. Once we made it inside his room. He dropped my hand and closed the door. He walked over to his bed and fell onto it, letting out a breath. I walked over to him and sat down beside him. "I'm going to do something that might surprise you."

"Wha- ah!" He grabbed onto me, pulling me on top of him. He smirked, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"You're so beautiful." I wanted nothing more than to hide my now red cheeks and goofy grin. "I like you a lot, Allison," He stared into my eyes but for some reason I couldn't stare back at him. My hearts hammering against my chest. I've never felt this way before. It's such a great yet anxious feeling.

"I like you too."

"Really?" He sounded surprised.

I nodded, laughing a bit. "Yeah." He smiles, leaning up and pressing his lips against mine. His hands slide up and down my back. His lips are so soft. I move my hands down to his shirt, fiddling with the buttons until I finally managed to undo them. I move my hands to his abs and go up and down them. He pulls away to catch his breath and flips me over so he's hovering over me. He goes down to my neck and kisses gently. His soft kissing turns into rougher nibbling and sucking. He makes his way back up to my lips, connecting our lips again. This time this kiss is more passionate than the one before. My fingers are tangled in his now messy hair. He pulls away so that our lips are apart. He rests his head on my shoulder, breathing heavily. My fingers stay in his hair, playing with it now.

After our long comfortable moment of silence. Luke spoke up. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"I'm ready to tell you about the awful things my dad has done to me and the day I...I stabbed him."

Ahh they kissed!!! Finally!!!

Okay I have a question for you all! Besides Luke, what other brother would you want Allison to be with?

And who's ready for the next update?? I'm warning you now. It will most likely be sad :(

Vote and comment :]

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