Chapter 23

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Luke grabbed a hold of my hand, looking back at me and smiling before facing forward and pulling me along with him out of the school.

Just by holding his hand caused me to get many confused and evil expressions from everyone around us. It wasn't the first time today though. I also received lots of those expressions during lunch when all the Ramsey brothers sat with me and Lara. I guess everyone was surprised that the Ramsey brothers made friends with girls like me and Lara.

"Where are you two going so suddenly?" Liam asked, following close behind us. Just like Ashton and Jai who were also following behind us. It's just as Lara said. They all look like my own personal bodyguards. Never leaving my side. Always around me. I didn't mind it though.

"None of your business," Luke replied.

"On a date?" Liam questioned. That just made things awkward. I didn't say anything. Luke took a few seconds before answering him.

"Maybe." My eyes widen in shock. A date? Right now? We just got out of school and I look like complete crap.

"What!? I thought we were all hanging out with Allison tonight?" Jai pouted.

"Yeah so did I," Ashton said in a cold tone. I was surprised to hear his voice. He has been unusually quite the last few days since the party. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him to see if he's alright.

I glanced back at Ashton over my shoulder. His eyes met mine for a quick second before he looked away. I frowned, turning my head to look forward. So he's mad at me? What'd I do? Now that I think about it. I didn't talk to him at all at the party.

"You can't have Allison all to yourself. You have to share Lukey poo," Jai said.

"Stop calling me that," Luke groaned, walking faster. He looked at me and held out his other hand. "Let's take your car. I'll drive."

"Uh, okay," I said, grabbing my keys out of my pocket and placing them in his hand.

"Well, have fun on your date," Liam smirked, waving at me and Luke before walking towards his car with Ashton and Jai following after him.

"Don't have too much fun!" Jai called out, waving at us like a mad man. Ashton didn't say anything but he didn't have to. His face said it all. He was pissed. Why? Well, I didn't know for sure but I did have a clue.

Luke and I got into my car after saying goodbye to them. Luke started the car and then turned to me. "Does pizza sound good for a first date?"

"Um, yeah. Is this really a date?"

"Do you want it to be?" I fell silent. Deep in thought. Did I want it to be? I liked Luke. I like him a lot. But something kept telling me he's just a friend. Maybe that's because I knew deep down that Ashton likes me and that me liking Luke hurt him. So therefore I made this new voice inside my head to tell me not to be anymore than friends with Luke.

"Yeah I do," I finally spoke.

He let out a breath before smiling. "For a minute there I thought you were going to say no." Me too. "I'm going to tell you something embarrassing but you can't laugh, okay?" He said, driving out of the school parking lot and onto the road.

"Okay I promise."

He cleared his throat. "So, I've never actually been on a date." I was shocked. How could someone like him not have gone on a date before? I would have figured many girls have asked him or he asked them. But then again he isn't much of the social type. Well at first he isn't. So I can kind of see why he hasn't been on a date. I haven't either. Due to me not being much of the social type too.

"I haven't either. So don't worry."

"That makes me feel better now. But I'm still shocked that a beautiful girl like yourself hasn't been on a date before." Beautiful. He called me beautiful. It wasn't long before a big smile appeared on my face. "We're here," He parked the car and we both got out and made our way into a fancy little pizza shop. The smell of different kinds of pizzas filled up my nose. I glanced around, examining this place. It was definitely cute for a first date. The lights weren't bright. So it was a little dark but every table had a light above it, making it brighter where you ate at and the fancy little lights that looked like Christmas lights hung up on the window also made it bright at the tables too.

A hostess came up to us. She checked Luke out before looking him in the face and smiling. "How many?" She asked, fixing her hair and twirling one strand of her dark brown hair around her finger. I gave her a weird look. Do girls actually flirt like that? And does she know she's still at her job and that Luke is with me?

"Two," Luke answered, grabbing onto my hand, intertwining our fingers, giving me a warm, tingling feeling inside. This definitely made the girl angry. She glared down at our hands and then at me. She looked away and grabbed onto two menus. She told us to follow her. So we did. We sat down at a small table. I sat across from Luke and he sat across from me. The girl put down our menus in front of us and told us our waiter will be with us in a moment. Then she left and I was glad.

"Somebody has a crush on you," I said, looking through my menu. "She's pretty."

He smirked. "I guess so, but you're prettier. And I'm pretty sure I made it clear that I'm interested in you and not her." My heart thumped loudly against my chest. He leaned over the table and pressed his lips against mine. It wasn't a long kiss. It was actually really quick. But I figured it was because we were in public and his stomach was practically on the table.

Right as he pulled away. Our waiter came asking for our drinks and then later asking for our order. Once our order came we ate and talked a little more about ourselves but mostly talked about the most random, funniest things, earning us both a good laugh.

After a while we decided to leave. Luke drove us to his house. He parked in the driveway and got out of the car. I got out too but only to change spots so that I was sitting in the drivers seat.

My car door is closed and my window is rolled down. Luke is leaning against it on the other side. He watched my lips the whole time as I was talking. I knew he wanted to kiss me and I was glad because I wanted to kiss him too. After I finished talking. I crashed my lips to his, surprising him. He smiled into the kiss but didn't dare to break it. He deepen the kiss, letting his tongue roam freely through my mouth. This kiss felt amazing. It had my insides melting and my heart pounding. I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses me some more, biting my bottom lip then and now. He ended up pulling away to catch his breath and I was thankful because I too needed to catch my breath. "I had fun today," He said breathlessly.

"Me too," I breathed out.

"I'll see you tomorrow," He moved away from my car and gave me a little wave before jogging up to his front door, leaving me alone in my car, smiling like an idiot.

So how was it? Did you all like it?

I wasn't going to have them go on a date but I've been trying to make this story longer for you all :)

Vote and comment<3

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