Chapter 22

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I was now in a criss-cross position on Luke's bed with him laying down and his head resting on my lap. I played with his hair because he told me to. He said it made him more comfortable to tell me about his dad. Although I'm pretty sure he just told me to because it feels good.

"Um, I don't know where to start?"

"Wherever is fine," I softly said.

He cleared his throat and looked up at me. "Okay," He mumbled. I gave him a small smile. He gave me one back before looking away. "Well, I was fourteen when the abuse started happening and Liam was thirteen. So we weren't that young but weren't that old either," He paused. "At first he abused both Liam and I. He would hit us around a few times. Blaming us for why our mom left. Then weeks passed by and mom never came back home. So he got angrier. He beat us more and much harder. That's when I told him to leave Liam alone and just hurt me instead. Of course Liam refused to let me take all the beatings but I told him to stay quite. That I'm his big brother and that I'm suppose to protect him. So he kept quiet but I knew he wanted so badly to help me out."

He took a breath and continued. "But I wouldn't let him. I made him lock himself up in his room and told him to never come out no matter what. I made him promise me and of course he agreed to the promise because he didn't want to disappoint me. That's when everything got worse and how my nightmares begun," He sighed, rubbing his eyes with his palms. He wasn't crying but I knew he wanted too. I wouldn't blame him if he did. "He beat me ten times harder than he usually did. He would beat me when I came home from school. When I came out of my room. Any time of the day or night. The beatings wouldn't stop. He would whip me on my back and chest with what looked like a whip. He also shoved me to the ground a lot, kicking me all over and yelling about mom leaving, but for me those weren't the worse parts." There's more? I'm already crying so hard. I can't believe someone would actually do this to someone. Especially their own child.

"For many people this wouldn't be the worse part but for me it was. He would beat me up pretty badly before throwing me down in the basement. The basement had no windows so it was complete darkness unless you turned on the light switch. Which was useless because it didn't work."

"So I sat there in the dark for who knows how long? Sometimes it would be just for a few minutes but most of the time it would be for hours. That's how I got my fear of the dark. I know it's childish," He mumbled.

I looked down at him right as he looked up at me. "It's not childish. Everybody has their fears. Besides yours is very common. I am also scared of the dark."

"You are?" He seemed surprised.

"Yeah my sister and her friends always use to turn off all the lights in the house and made loud scary noises, trying to scare me. Of course it worked because I was young at the time."

"Aww, how could someone want to scare cute little you?" He said in a baby voice, causing me to blush and flick his forehead. He chuckled, rubbing his forehead. "Rude." I rolled my eyes but somehow a smile found it's way on my face.

"Continue," I encouraged him to go on.

"Somebody's a little too eager to find out my depressing life story."

"I just want to know more about you."

"I know," He reached up, wiping away a few tears of mine before continuing his story. "Anyways, my dad locked me down in the basement many times but eventually he started to come down with me and play hide n seek. A game he ruined for me all because of the way he played it.."

"He would count and I would try to hide as best as I could. When he found me he would hit me in the dark so I had no idea where he was at. I still to this day don't know how he managed to find me and hit me in the dark?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "But that's not all he did while I was in the basement. He also would do this thing where he would walk around the room, whispering the most disturbing things to me. Not gross things but scary things like describing different ways of killing my mom, Liam and me. He was a complete psychopath."

"One night during dinner. He made us eat in the kitchen with him. While he talked bad about our mom. Liam grew angry and defended our mom. This caused our dad to get up and start choking him. That was the day I finally snapped and grabbed a knife from our kitchen drawer and stabbed the knife into his stomach. I felt like a psychopath myself after I did that. I even managed to twist the knife inside of him as I looked him in the eyes. His blood was all over my hand and shirt. I couldn't stop crying and gagging. It was a total mess. No, I was a total mess. I then let go of the knife and backed away. He dropped to the ground, groaning out in pain. I ran for the phone and called the police. After that I grabbed onto Liam's hand and rushed out of the house. Soon the police came and they got a hold of our mom. Who was coming to get us and Liam and I were finally free. At least I thought so. Until I started having nightmares of him," He sat up and turned around so that he is facing me. Tears started forming in his eyes. He let out a shaky breath before moving me so that I was lying on my back. He gave me a sad smile before he laid on top of me. His lower half on my legs and his upper half on my stomach. He wrapped his arms around me and rested the side of his face over my heart. I moved my fingers into his hair, gently combing through it.



"What you did to your dad. Doesn't make you a psychopath. You had to do it. To save Liam and yourself."

"I know but I can't help but feel like one because of that day."

"You're a good person. Always have been and always will be."

"Thanks Allison."

"You're welcome Luke."

"Oh and Allison?"


"You're a good person too, and I'm sorry for moving you," He lowly chuckled. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No I'm fine."

"Good, because I don't want to move. You're comfy." I smiled, closing my tired eyes. "Do you want to stay over tonight?"

"I can't. I came here with Lara," I mumbled, feeling the drowsiness slowly taking over me.

"Damn. I wanted to sleep with you." That definitely woke me up. My eyes shot open and I can already feel the warmness in my cheeks.

"H-How can you say that so easily?"

"What do you mean? I just wanted to sleep beside you all night."


"Oh? Were you thinking of something dirty?" I could hear the amusement in his voice.


"Mhm sure."

"I was not!"

"Allison wants to do the dirty with me!" He shouted loudly, making me blush hard. Even though he's teasing me. I was happy because the sadness in his voice has completely disappeared now.


"Allison!" He said, making his voice sound high pitch like a girls. I narrowed my eyes at him but couldn't help but laugh at his impression of a girls voice. He looked at me with a smile on his face before giving me a quick unexpected kiss on the lips.

Oh my gosh I love them

Okay so towards the end I had to write something happy just because, and so I just decided to show a different side of Luke. The funny, playful one. And how Allison brings that side out of him. I swear they're the cutest.

Don't worry you won't have to wait long for the next update. I have some ideas and I plan on writing them down this week.

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