Chapter 3

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"Allison watch out," Lara called out but it was too late. I ran right into someone almost falling on my butt but thankfully they caught me. I looked up to see who's arms I was in. Ashton Ramsey.

"You should watch where you're going," He let go of me and I backed away from him.

"Sorry," I looked down at the ground.

"It's fine, so what's your name?"

I looked up into his bright blue eyes. "Um..."

"Don't tell me you forgot your own name," He lowly chuckled.

"Uh, no I didn't. I'm Allison," I gave him a small smile.

"Allison, what a great name," He half smiled, "I think you're the Allison my brothers were telling me about last night."

"They were talking about me?"

"Yeah, Liam was texting you all last night and sometimes he didn't know what to say so either Jai or I had to help him out. You're a lot of fun to text by the way," He smirked. Oh my god I was texting all three of them!? That explains why Liam started texting differently late last night.

"Oh um thanks? I guess...and good to know I was texting all three of you," I awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah, I'll see you around short stuff," He flashed me a smile and jogged over to his friends. I let out a breath. Can't believe I just talked to another Ramsey brother. I now can say I've officially talked to all the Ramsey brothers.

"Oh my gosh, Allison!" Lara ran over to me. "What are you a freaking wizard? How in the hell did you get Ashton to talk to you!?"

"By running into him I guess?" I shrugged.

"What all did he say to you?"

"Well he said that his brothers told him about me and that Liam needed help on texting me back so I guess Jai and him helped and texted me a few times yesterday."

"Holy crap! That is amazing! The three Ramsey brothers were talking about you and texting you! Wow I wish I was you," She sighed.

"I better get to class. I'll talk to you later," I waved goodbye and walked to English.

I walked into class and took my seat. Luke was here today and again he was in that darn journal of his. I want to know what he all draws and writes in there. Is it scary things, nice things, bad things or sad things? What possibly could he be writing and drawing? Wouldn't he run out of ideas? So many questions and I will only get answers from him. I want to talk to him but I don't think he wants to talk to me.

"Don't start with the whole starring at me thing today," He said.

"I'm sorry for making you mad yesterday. I didn't mean to. I was just starring because I'm curious on what you do in that journal of yours," I said.

"Well stop being so curious."

"Sorry," I apologized again.

"And stop saying sorry."

"Sorry-I mean um...I don't know," I sighed and put my head down onto the desk and hid my face from embarrassment. The rest of class went by fast and I was so glad to get out of there. I walked out of the room and went to my locker. I put away all my books and my backpack. Then made my way to the lunchroom. I noticed Lara wasn't at our table. Maybe she's running late?

I decided not to eat today. I didn't have money to buy anything. Sadly I forgot my money at home. I walked over to the lunch table Lara and I always sit at and sat down by myself. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and texted Lara.

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