Chapter 27

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I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything.

The left side of my face stung from coming in contact with Peter's hand just moments ago, and my body was in pain as so was my index finger. I knew it was broken. I couldn't move it. Peter wasn't playing around when he told me he was going to make sure to break me so that they can see what they've done for getting so close to me. He indeed broke me. Physically and mentally.

I laid here on the hard ground, hearing only my heartbeat that wouldn't calm down. I felt sick, enough to throw up but I didn't.

I stared up at the sky, wondering how I was going to face Luke and the others. To be completely honest, I don't want to see their faces. I don't even want to hear their voices. I hated them. I know I shouldn't because this isn't entirely their faults. If anything it's mine for becoming close with each of them. They warned me but I didn't listen. Now..I wish I would have, then maybe I wouldn't be here lying on the ground in a parking lot with a sore body and a broken finger.

"She's had enough! Leave her alone you asshole!" Lara screamed, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and focus back on reality.

"I think you're right. It looks like she can't even move anymore. Poor thing," Peter's voice now filled my ears. He seemed close, really close. "Allison," he said, now standing over me. "This is my warning. If you don't stay away from the Ramsey brothers, I will find you again and I will do much worse to you than this. Do you understand?" He threatened. I didn't say anything. He put his foot onto the hand that has my broken finger, and started pressing down on it. I screamed out in pain. "Do you understand?" He repeated.

"Y-Yes!" I said, tears falling from my eyes and onto the ground beneath me.

"Good girl," he grinned, removing his foot from my hand before walking away. "I had a lot of fun playing with you Allison. Hopefully you won't listen to my warning so I can play with you again. I've kind of grown to like you," he laughed. "Boys let her friend go. Let's go before they show up." His friends let go of Lara and she made her way over to me, kneeling down beside me and bringing me onto her lap. She cried as she repeated how sorry and useless she was for not being able to help me. I just gave her a weak smile. I was too tired to talk. She understood and quickly but carefully helped me stand up and walk to the car.

Once we got into the car, we rushed to the hospital and Lara made sure to call my mom and the Ramsey brothers to meet us there. But I wish she wouldn't have called them. I couldn't see them, not now, not ever.

I needed to stay away from the Ramsey brothers. I have to stay away from them.


I wasn't in the hospital for long. Only for a day because they wanted to make sure that I was okay and that I was well rested.

Lara had to go home after visiting hours but my mom stayed with me. The Ramsey brothers weren't allowed to visit me so therefore I haven't seen them. Although I did hear their worried voices outside the door on that night. My heart ached at the sound of their voices. I even found myself holding back tears. But Lara took care of it when I told her I didn't- couldn't see them. She understood and apologized for calling them in the first place.

"Are you sure you're okay to be here at school? You did just get out of the hospital two days ago," Lara said, looking at me with concerned eyes. "We can always ditch. Class hasn't officially started yet."

I smiled at her, "I'm find and wouldn't your parents get mad if you ditched?"

"Yeah but you always come first."

"How cute. I am so honored," I jokingly said, causing her to laugh.

"Anyways, I guess I'll get going to class before I'm late. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," I lied.

She then left and I went straight to my class, feeling nervous as I remembered Luke was going to be in this class with me. Would he try to talk me? I really hoped not because he wouldn't get a reply in return.

I took my seat by him and could feel his eyes on me. I wanted to move seats but I couldn't. This was my assigned seat. I sighed, taking out my pencil and journal, ready to take notes.

"Allison." No.

"Allison please." Don't answer him.

"Allison I'm sorry. I truly am. I should have been there for you. I should have protected you...I'm sorry." I glanced over my shoulder at him to see his hands rubbing over a very worn out face. Has he even slept? I shook my head. Stop worrying about him. "Just say something, anything."

I was suddenly finding it hard to breathe. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before raising my hand and asking the teacher if I could use the restroom. When the teacher said that I could, I practically ran out of the classroom and into the hallway. I pressed my back up against the walls and slid down it until I was sitting.

Being at school around them wasn't going to be easy.

So, first off hello I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry about that. Second, somebody wrote a book very similar to this one and I mean if you read the start of it, it's very obvious. I don't understand why they couldn't come up with something of their own. So irritating. And lastly, they finished their book so now I will try my best to update more often since I know that they won't be trying to copy anymore of this story.

This wasn't a very good chapter but it will get better. So don't worry :)

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