Chapter 10

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I wasn't too sure in what to wear to Ashton's race so I just threw on a plain black t-shirt and jean short shorts. I straighten my hair and left it down. I put on a bit of makeup not as much as I usually do.

My phone started playing the song SexyBack by Justin Timberlake. Last time I checked that was not my ring tone. Wait a minute I didn't even have a ringtone.

I walked over to my phone and grabbed onto it. The caller I.D said Jai. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would make this his ringtone for when he calls me. I need to change that later. I put my phone up to my ear and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey baby."

"First off don't call me baby! Second don't change my ringtones!"

"So much anger. Save it for the bed tonight."

"You are so annoying," I sighed in frustration.

He chuckled. "Anyways Ashton can't pick you up because he needs more time to fix his car before the race so I'm coming to get you."

"Oh yay," I said in a not so happy tone.

"Hey be nice!"

I let out a little laugh. "Alright I'll be nice. like Justin Timberlake?" I walked over to my bed and laid down on my stomach.

"Of course I do. I'm listening to him right now."

"What song?"

"Come outside and I'll show you."

"You're here?" I got off my bed and walked out of my room.


"Okay see you in a second," I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket. I walked down the stairs and almost made it out the front door without my mom and sister knowing.

"So where do you think you're going?" My mom asked.

"With some friends."

"Friends? I thought Lara was your only friend?" My sister asked in shock. I glared at her.

"Well me and her made some new friends. They invited us out so can I go now or do I have to answer more questions from you two?"

"You can go but who's picking you up and dropping you back off?" Mom asked.

"My new friends."

My sister looked out the window. Her mouth fell wide open. "No way! That's Jai Ramsey," She looked over at me. "Is this a joke or is he actually picking you up?" Wow thanks big sis glad to know I can't be friends with him without it looking like some joke.

"Jai Ramsey? A boy?" Mom wiggled her eyebrows. "Can I meet this boy? Is he cute? What's he like? Do you two have a thing for each other?" She hit me with question after question.

"Mom please stop. Can I answer your questions later?"

"Okay fine but I want to meet him when he drops you off," She hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Have fun but not too much fun."

"Alright bye guys! Love you," I walked out of the door and ran to the car. I got into the passengers seat of Jai's car. His car smelled like his cologne which smells amazing.

"What's with the running?" Jai asked.

"My mom and sister stopped me at the door and kept asking about you so I just want to hurry and get out of here before they try to come out and meet you."

"Oh," He backed out of the driveway and was now driving on the street.

"They want to meet you when you drop me back off."

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