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Violet gazed at her boyfriend Aidan his hair perfectly styled, his eyes glimmered when the light shined upon it.

Her and Aidan have been going out together since that Prom. Violet hasn't regretted that choice ever since that day, because he was just so perfect and made her feel special. Violet felt like nothing could ever bring her down from what she felt like when she was with Aidan.

"Baby, Do you wanna go to the beach before it gets dark" explained Aidan. Waking Violet from her thoughts.

"Yeah sure, sorry I was---" Violet replied

"Checking me out" Aidan said while interrupting Violet.

Violet giggled and playfully hit Aidan's arm. They both giggled and Aidan pinched Violet cheeks

"Your sooo beautiful" Aidan said

He had his arm around get waist, pulling her close and kissing her gently on the forehead.

"So, is that yes?" He asked

"That is a definite" Violet replied

They both giggled and exited Violet's apartment to head to the beach.

As they both entered the car, Violet put her mix tape that Aidan made her with all the songs he created. Aidan loves to make music and has been doing it for a long time; he made countless songs of her and him together. He even got played on the radio. He was going to be a major popstar one day.

She blasted and sung along to his song “U Smile” pretending to play the piano. Aidan looked at her and laughed and concentrated on the road.

Once they were at the beach, Aidan set up a sitting area on the beach. He brought blankets, pillows and chocolates. Once everything was set up they both sat on the blanket admiring the beach.

Aidan looked at Violet admiring her beauty and how lucky he was to meet her. He imagined his life, so perfectly with her in it. He didn't want to lose her. He felt like he was nothing compared to her. Aidan had never felt so high in his life and intended to keep it this way for some time.

Violet turned to see Aidan staring at her

"What are you looking at?" She asked

"You" Aidan replied.

Violet gave a slight giggle and turned her head so he couldn't see her blush.

He laughed and pulled her closer to him, as they laid back on the blanket, the sun started to set into the sea. The stars were shining deeply making everything seem like a perfect romantic night.

"Aidan, I wish we could just stay in this moment. This is so perfect" Violet explained as she laid her head on his chest

"Me too" Aidan replied while kissing her gently on the forehead. Violet then lifted get head; she looked deeply into his eyes making her lean closer and closer.

Their lips crashed together, passion edging from both of them. Aidan instantly went to her neck showering her with kisses, rubbing her waist and gradually laying down on the beach.


Violet gave a heavy deep breath. She finally gave him the gift of purity. It felt so right. It felt perfect. She never wanted to change a thing. Aidan had his arm around Violet replaying each moment they made love for the first time and it was perfect. They cuddled each other thinking of how perfect they were.

After a few hours Aidan looked at the time on his watch

"Shit!" He thundered

"What's wrong, baby" Violet asked as Aidan stood up and quickly gathered his stuff.

"Nothing..... I need to take you home now"


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