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One thing first. I do not know much about black magic. I do not care to know about black magic. The Nazis were super into it, also super into genetic experiments. If my black magic info is wrong I'm sorry. If you know about it, feel free to message me and tell me all about it for the story sake.

Got inspiration from Wolfenstein, might be some similarities.

With that, enjoy the horror story

Chapter 1

The night was dark and chilling. Smoke of the soldiers camp fires, and the guns that had fired all day hung in the air, choking out the light of the stars and moon. The reek of blood and lead was everywhere.

A tall blonde man walked beside a smaller albino. They were dressed the same, black boots, pants, jackets and hats. Both had silver ropes from chest to left shoulder. Medals on the right side, ties that were black, over a white shirt. Iron crosses in open sight, on their pockets and ties. Everyone snapped to attention as they strode past. The two walked on without saying anything, heading out of camp, to a waiting truck. It had gray paint, then a painted Iron cross on both doors. The truck bed was the same color, with wood high up the sides. Three men stood around it, they two snapped to attention.

"Generals Bielschdmit! The time is right. Operation Blutstein[1] may commence." One of the men said.

Ludwig nodded "Good. Hurry up."

The man scrambled away quickly, jumping into the driver's seat. Another Nazi officers nodded to them both, and walked to the passenger side.

Gil smirked, he saw the final man looked quite worried. " have your commanding officers, stuck into the back of a truck, like privates?"

Ludwig got into the truck, sitting on the bench, lighting a cigarette. " of you, to overlook that small detail."

The man trembled, stammering, unable to coherently speak, fearing for his life. Gil jumped into the back of the truck and sat across from his brother. The man crawled up and shut the tailgate. The driver slowly began to move, driving the truck away from camp and out into the woods.

Both generals were silent, making the other man even more uncomfortable. They drove deep into the woods, out into a small clearing. A small fight seemed to have taken place there. 7 dead French soldiers, and 17 dead German ones.

Gil scowled and jumped from the truck "This is the last battle we lose."

Ludwig followed behind him, nodding in agreement. The three men hurriedly rushed around, digging a small little pit. The Nazi officer drew his knife, and began to drag the dead Germans towards the pit. He slit the neck, and watched more blood begin to pour into it. It was not much, as the man had died from a gunshot wound to the chest.

"Why use the Germans?" Gil asked, hands behind his back, observing.

The driver answered "Because they died defending the Third Reich. Loyal blood, rich Nazi blood. They are dead, they would hate those who stole their life. Even in death, they serve you."

Gil nodded, pleased with the answer. Ludwig watched with a stoic face as the rest of the Germans were cut and bled into the pit, which was beginning to fill, the ground couldn't absorb anymore.

The Nazi officer walked over, and drew a small pouch from his pocket. Ludwig took it, and opened it. A black stone fell into his hand. It was smooth, like any river rock. But it had intricate carvings.

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