Phase One

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Chapter 3

After the meeting, Ludwig led Gil the short way to a hospital. It had been seized by the Nazi's, the staff drafted into the army, and the patients displaced in various ways. The healthier ones were given a week to recover before they were drafted. The women and children were sent home, to either survive without medical attention, or die.

The sick and dying men were put out of their misery, like one would end a dog's life. After all, that's all they were. Dogs.

Gil walked in and started to examine the place. The hospital rooms were to be storage rooms for the materials needed for the creatures. The other open rooms were to be barracks for the guards, that would be posted and patrolling the hospital all day and night.

The front reception area was a guard post, a machine gun had been bolted to the desk, and the wood desk had been steel plated, for cover.

The kitchens and bathrooms remained the same. The electrical room was guarded, along with the roof.

The operating rooms were to become his laboratory and work space. He was overall commander of the hospital and all its operations. The front of the building was made secure, along with the back.

"This should do fine...I will start as soon as my supplies arrive." Gil said, turning to face Ludwig

He nodded. "By tomorrow you will have the book and the materials. The guards will fill in tonight. I keep the stone. Once you create the beasts, put them in trucks and send them to me in mass shipment. I will use the stone and a copy of the book to raise them and command them." Ludwig spoke.

Gil nodded and walked off to go and rest. Ludwig turned around and left, he had to return to the front.

The night went smoothly, and by morning the hospital was fully armed and guarded. Crates of iron, fur, and blacksmith tools arrived. He had everything he needed. The book came to him, fully translated into German. One was on its way to Ludwig. The original was also with Gil, stuck in a bombproof safe.

He smiled and shut the door, turning the lights up in the operating room. He broke open the boxes and started work on the mechanical flame throwers.

First was the iron. He had an entire forge in the room. Right away he warmed the iron, took out his tools and began to make the body, then the legs. After he had them roughly made, he began the claws for the feet, making them each razor sharp and capable of total destruction. He even made a new adjustment. If one claw got ripped off, another would fall into place, like sharks teeth. He put the claw into the metal foot, then fixed on the one that would begin the fighting.

Once he sculpted the head, he did the same with the teeth. The jaw was hinged, it snapped shut with force rival to a bear trap or an alligators mouth. Then, it locked, much like a pit bulls. The wolf would have to open its mouth or whatever it had in its mouth, would just be torn to shreds.

He attached the legs to the body, and then stuck in the fuel tank. Using hoses, he fed them into the wolf's head, and then attached it. He built a sensor into its nose, so when brush or a group of enemy soldiers were in the way, it would open it mouth and trigger the fire. The wired the sensor so that if it was a singular soldier or if the tank was out, the wolf would melee attack. It would respond to commands given by Ludwig, or by a handler. He and Ludwig planned to train SS officers to handle these on the lines, so they could be used as spies and retrievers. He put red glass in the eye sockets, so when it was dark, the red would shine and scare the soldiers. Now that the entire metal frame was built, he tacked on black fur, making it appear like a wolf, or even a large dog.

He smiled at his first creation. Then, it was boxed up and put in a pile. He went on, and created four more of them, boxing them, then having soldiers drag the boxes to a transport truck. He washed up, ate, and took his German translation book with him, along with his forging supplies and metal, making soldiers pack up the heavier stuff. He sat in the passenger side of the truck and looked at the driver "The lines."

The driver nodded and started off. He was silent, and seemed scared. He went very fast, as to not provoke Gil's anger.

Ludwig was waiting with an empty storehouse and a pile of dead Germans. These would be phase one. He would let Gil fix them up then he would raise them. Then together, they would put them into the platoons.

When the truck rolled up, Gil hopped out. Ludwig barked orders and some relaxing soldiers snapped to attention and began unloading the heavy crates. Gil grinned as he walked over to Ludwig

"You just have to look at those, I'll crack a box open. They are...immaculate." He spoke with great pride.

Ludwig nodded, and when the five boxes were in he shut the door, allowing Gil to crack the side off the box open, showing off his hellish dog.

Ludwig whistled lowly, kneeling to inspect the shimmering iron and fur. They both loved it, they loved their hell spawn. They loved their unholy and unworldly beast. It was a creature that lurked in only the darkest nightmares, something all rational men would fear and hate.

But no, not them.

Gil closed the side and went outside where his forging things were set up again. Ludwig cleared soldiers from the area and Gil started work on the ten bodies. He read on how to do this on the ride here, and therefore went right into it.

The first he worked on had a chest shot. All of these dead would have black steel over their faces and on their heads. It was a quick way to identify them. But from far off, they looked no different; it just looked like a SS helmet. It also shined and therefore made them nearly impossible for a sniper to line up a shot.

Gil gutted out the man, then sat down and made a gear system to fill the body cavity. It would attach to the shoulder bones, and the hips, allowing movement. It was a new brain, since the old one was dead. A clocks pulley system wouldn't work inside the body, and a wind up key would take too much time and effort. So Gil put in a metal canister, filled with water. Once turned on, the water would boil, then steam. Hoses from the canister ran to the starter gear, and once put in motion, the gears would not stop. The hoses ran to the canister like veins and arteries. The water it started with would run it until it was killed, again. Once the gears were running, he stitched the chest shut, and stuck on a brand new uniform. The mechanics in it were not enough to make anything happen. It was just science. It needed that hint of darkness. Ludwig would add it later.

This creation took a bit longer than his wolves. Ludwig sat and even began to follow a diagram, making the gear sets for Gil, as he casted iron and gutted the other men. It was nearly midnight by the time the brothers finished. Ludwig took of the stone and the book, and he spoke. It took very little time, before the soldiers sat up, then stood and even snapped to attention. Ludwig's hint of darkness gave it basic intelligence, just enough so that it knew who it must obey, how to aim and shoot, and who the enemy was. It would follow the squad around, it would act like a typical soldier.

Mad grins captured both the Bielschdmit brothers' lips. Tomorrow they would introduce their dead machines to a battalion. For tonight, they were locked up in the storage room and commanded to sit and wait for further orders.

Guards were posted at the door, and Gil walked off to eat and sleep. Ludwig sat in his tent and began to write out the adventures in his journal. It was a special night. It was the last calm night, before hell was unleashed on earth.

So I've started school and updates might get slower, but it will nevertheless, get updates.

And there is chapter three, and the start of operation kreigstein, phase one! Thoughts are feelings?

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