One Step Closer

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Chapter 10

Dawn came with a song of explosions. The German ships had snuck closer in the darkness to bombard the beach and the British.

In the chaos, the Luftwaffe came screaming overhead, shooting and dropping bombs, deploying paratroopers behind the hastily made British lines.

While this madness went on, Gil and Ludwig organized their ground strike. First went the wave of human soldiers and ironclads, they would destroy the wooden barricades and kill off any sentries or patrol groups.

Snipers were set up in trees and behind trucks or upturned boats, they waited, all spying on the command tents. If an officer came, he was shot.

Once the ships stopped shelling and the planes flew away, Ludwig threw the infantry at the confused and only partly organized British. He didn't blame them; they were just stupid and inferior.

Gil shook his head in disapproval. Any German or Prussian force that took this long to mobilize would've been lectured and whipped. Especially since they knew of the attack.

Arthur was doing all he could. Many British had died fighting in France; most of their navy was in the Pacific or Indian Oceans. The Royal Air Force was preoccupied with combing Russia over, trying to aid their ally. If they weren't in Russia they were in Africa. Or they were dead, missing, broken, or in China defending from the Japanese. The Axis had really stretched them thin.

The barricades were easily taken care of, the sentries and patrol groups engaged while the mass of the army was trying to organize on the beach. Officers were dead; comrades missing, supplies missing or burning and the soldiers were lost and confused. It was the stunning beauty of Blitzkrieg.

By the time Gil ordered the wolves and zombies in, a shifty set of ranks was starting to from in the British lines. A few trenches had been dug, and the first three real lines fell into those.

The mix of men, zombies, ironclads and wolves advanced; shooting and being shot at. Men fell, ironclads fell, but the zombies and wolves all made it to the lines. The zombies hung back, not using their fire yet, they held their guns and waited a moment while the wolves pounced into the trenches, shredding men, biting, ripping and slashing them apart.

Men stood white in fear, other frantically shot, killing their comrades on accident. They didn't last long before the knife toes came and ended them.

The wolves jumped from the trenches and advanced, the zombies bringing up the rear. Only about a hundred and thirty men were alive in this assault, and the majority were commanders of ironclads or handlers of wolves.

Arthur yelled orders to his other commanders, getting tanks to come form a first line of defense. When the tanks started to fire, wolves charged, jumping and trying to clear the metal cars, but they couldn't get a grip with their slippery knife feet. They opened their mouths in anger, breathing fire and roasting soldiers, but also getting taken out.

Ironclads fought to get close to start shooting at the Brits that hung behind the tank, and they too fell. The zombies came next, and they were not halted so easily. The Brits fired, but very few struck the zombies in the heart. They jumped over the tanks wall with a howl that curdled blood and started to tears apart men, spitting fire at those to close.

Ludwig smiled coldly, his anxiety fading. They had this, it was fine. He worried for a moment they'd go home in defeat.

Gil ordered a super human squad to go out and help. They took off, hitting the tanks in seconds. Easily, they lifted up the massive machine, held it in the air and hurled it at the Brits, crushing them alive.

With the lines broken, Gil called back the zombies and super humans, setting the Reds on the British.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, the hulking red monsters went running from behind the German lines and came barreling across the battle field; jumping onto the soldiers.

It froze the men in place. They were horrified by the huge red metal monster, with the iron hands and the steel human head. They swung around with an inhuman intelligence, looking at each person before clamping their iron jaws on men and shredding them, shaking them in their jaws like rag dolls.

The Reds stalked around, walking, examining each person as if they looked into your soul. They didn't stand up, and none of the soldiers had any clue how to kill them.

Those who had their cool shot at the beasts head, down their throats, at their sides and stomachs, hoping to find the weak point. Praying there was a weak point.

Arthur watched this is dismay. He hadn't seen these monsters and he didn't know how to fight them. He watched helplessly as the red iron monsters, the abominations of steel killed his men. He watched those sick human like faces show off their iron teeth, he watched how fast they moved, how they jumped down on men and shredded them in a cat-like way.

After the Reds were released that battle was long since over. The British army was just destroyed along with their moral. The other German Army units would come in by nightfall, rest, and then march and take over the rest of England. London would fall; Ludwig and Gil didn't even need to help, the pitiful humans under Rommel could deal with this broken country.

Ludwig walked off to find a way for him and Gil to get back to Munich. They would report on Operation Kreigstein and devise plans for an assault on whatever country dared try their luck.

Gil went to follow him when he saw a Red coming back with a man in its mouth. He didn't devise these beasts for recon; he expected the wolves to do that. But what he saw surprised him. The red brought Arthur to Gil's feet, and dropped the bleeding Brit, like a dog would drop a stick at its master's feet.

Ivan was long since dealt with, so were the rest of the conquered nations. Ludwig wouldn't have bothered hunting for Arthur, not when he had other things to do. Finding Arthur would have been left to a handler in charge of wolves, or a super human even. Gil hadn't ordered the Red to do this; it did this on its own.

He didn't know if he quite liked it, the beast doing things on its own accord, things not in its programming. He ignored the idea and smiled. He would get to deal with Arthur himself at least.

He stalked over to the Brit, a friend of his from long ago. Gil twirled a Luger in his hand, and stepped on Arthur's already bleeding chest. The blonde groaned, and Gil leaned over, getting close in his face, his full weight on Arthurs chest.

"I told you, but you just wouldn't listen. I said, the Third Reich was strong. I told you, I knew what I was doing. The land is my game Arthur. You should've stuck to the seas. Or you could have just listened to me for once." He spat, his voice a cold snarl "I said come and fight with me, take my side, it might hurt less. I told you we would win, but you just didn't think so. I offered this to Francis and Antonio, and you saw what happened to them. Ludwig tried bargaining with Ivan and that just didn't work out either now did it? Now look what happened! Look what you made me do." As he said that, he shot Arthur in the shoulder.

It was a deranged rant Gil was on. He had a burning passion for this war for many reasons. It was what drove him, a good loyal sane man who hated magic, to create monsters of Satan's nightmares. The Great War had hurt him, hurt his family and bruised his pride. He was Prussia, he was the Lord of War and he would be damned if anyone dared laugh at him and his army or military capabilities. This war was a way to prove himself without any doubt he was the master of war.

And he proved it nicely. He just looked down at his friend, struggling to breath and stay awake. He raised his Luger and put the muzzle between Arthur's eyes.

"May you never doubt me again. Sweet dreams, my friend." His lip twitched in a cold grin and he pulled the trigger.

He stood up and walked away, letting his fellow country and friend become just another casualty of war.

He was one step closer to total domination

So thoughts on chapter 10

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