Lost Before it Began

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Chapter 5

Week passed by and neither side made a move. The Germans felt no need to push, as they held control. The French were still in shambles and the British were reeling after their rather humiliating loss.

Gil and Ludwig had no plans to do anything in the area. That was until a town a few miles north rebelled and killed some SS on patrol. Townspeople had ambushed the patrol and killed them. Ludwig was rather angry, seeing as he had already suppressed the town. It seemed he didn't do it harsh enough. He had formed battle plans with his other commanders. They had caught wind of a rebel French army in the making. Surrounding towns sent all the men not in the national army to the town, which was to be the strong hold. Numbers were estimated to be over a thousand, which did outnumber their own force. But the rebels did not have tanks or anything more than their shoes and guns.

Gil stepped in on the battle plans, and it was decided they would advance, and dig in three hundred yards from the small town. Anyone who walked outside their homes would be picked off by snipers. Any lone night time wanderer would be wolf meat. The town would starve; turn on itself, run out of ammo within an estimated month.

Ludwig didn't have the patience to wait that long, neither did Gil. By the two week mark, the entire force would storm the town. They would periodically send squads of four over the trench walls to scout the city. If they died, well they died.

They were after all just men. They were easily replaced.

It also gave Gil a chance to show how his wolves would make excellent scouts and retrievers. This upcoming siege excited both the brothers. The lapse in fighting also allowed them to begin making their newest creation. In the lab, Gil stood waiting, when Ludwig came the door was barred shut, with only the two of them in the room. Outside the door were the six hand-picked officers that would handle the zombies in their squads. Just like with the ironclads, the new creation was a sign of honor. Gil had assigned the wolves to a scout group, then the rest to a battalion, which was headed to the new battle.

Gil threw the cover off the bodies of the six dead SS. Ludwig got the stone out, and Gil took out the translation of the book. The two then began their ceremony. They rose together, all six simultaneously. The officers stood straight and saluted the brothers, staying stock still. Their eye sockets blazed a hellish blue. The lead commander though, blazed with a hellfire red. He looked particularly more terrifying. Fire hazed around them, but not giving off heat. Their faced seemed charred in a way, giving them the look of really being hell spawn. Their teeth were sharp and fang like, and finger nails again like claws. Rips in their uniforms let more fire blaze. They were essence of raw power. Gil gave the command to be at ease. They stopped saluting, and hung in a stalker slouch. They looked ready to pounce on anything that came to close.

Ludwig threw the door open and walked out to brief the officers on the command words, then he looked back and nodded to Gil, who lead the monsters out, and paired them to an officer.

The officers all looked equally horrified, but a few grinned madly, understanding they controlled great power. Ludwig growled and dismissed them.

The two silently looked at each other in approval, and walked off in separate ways, ready to attack.

They didn't go the first week. The other commanders dealt with the digging in and set up. They also dealt with sending up the squads to kill.

By the start of the second week, Ludwig and Gil arrived. A small army of maybe 300 charged the trench. Gil dismissed the other officers of command, and Ludwig and him took control. The German soldiers looked terrified of having to leave their safe trench. They watched the other men get gunned down. In fact, their bodies lay on the ground still.

Ludwig spared them, instead giving the command to unleash the wolves. In a moment, six beasts of steel went charging into the line of advancing rebels. They opened their mouths, and bathed the first three rows in fire. The men fell, screaming in agony, rolling on the ground, and burning alive. The others stopped and reeled back, running into the next rows bayonets. Those to slow were pounced on and shredded up by the steel claws. Decapitated, gutted, and savagely tore to pieces. Fear rang through the survivors, and that's when Ludwig issued the command to open fire. One rebel sniper shot a wolf with a high powered bullet, and it tore through the fake fur and the steel, making the fuel tank rupture. It killed anyone within twenty feet. Gil whistled, and the wolves ran backwards, grabbing the German dead in their teeth, and easily taking the men back to the trench, unafraid by the guns fire.

It didn't take long to destroy that army, the few that made it back inside their homes were either hurt or mentally snapped.

Ludwig looked to Gil "I think today would be a ncie day to take a stroll through the town hm?"

Gil pondered and nodded "Yes, lovely day through a stroll...sadly, the town seems to be rat infested."

"Yes...maybe we should send the exterminators through?"

Gil nodded and Ludwig barked orders. The men, ironclads, wolves, and the zombies went running over the trench and through the body littered field. The zombies moved quickly, and ran to the town first, tearing through doors, getting shot in the body, but not the heart. They bit off arms and heads. They slashed through men and women. They bellowed and send tremors through the very bravest. Houses were engulfed in their hell blue flames. The red officer picked a man up and just tore him in half, right down the middle. It laughed in a detached voice, and stood there, reveling in the bloodshed, soaked in blood and organs. The iron clads ran and worked with their squads, and few died, as did a few German soldiers. The wolves jumped up on roof tops and shredded the snipers, and then three went chasing a group of women and kids into the woods. The green trees were set aflame. Screams echoed back to the town shortly.

Gil and Ludwig watched their killing force destroy all the life in the town. The battle didn't take long at all. The Nazis were just too overwhelming. The soldiers and wolves then hurriedly cleared the bodies, leaving the Generals a path through the town. The zombies under their handler's commands set the bodies on fire, burning away the remains. It left the scent of fire, gunpowder, smoke, and searing flesh hanging over the town.

Grinning, the two proudly walked down the streets, admiring the burned out houses, the blood stained walls and pathways. The relished the smells of war, breathing deeply. Under the wreckage of a house, a half alive boy of five sniffled, crying for his mother. He crawled out into the path of the brothers.

A soldier raised his gun to fire but Ludwig raised his hand to stop him. Instead he leaned over and picked the boy up, holding him.

"What is wrong?" he asked, his blue eyes glinting darkly.

The boy shivered seeing the mad look on the blondes face. Gil stood and watched, his eyes also burning in insanity. He had a sick grin, knowing this would only end in more blood.

Ludwig, getting no answer from the boy, spoke again "Would you feel better if I sang to you?"

The boy looked surprised, but being young and naïve, and craving comfort, he nodded.

Ludwig grinned darkly and sang.

"Hush little devil don't say a word,

Satan's gonna get you a soul-less bird.

And if that soul-less bird don't screech,

Satan's gonna get you a hungry leech.

And if that leech don't suck,

Satan's gonna get you a soul with luck,

And if that lucky soul don't shine,

Then I will make your soul mine."

The boy looked absolutely terrified, and with that, Ludwig threw him to the side, into the open mouth of a wolf. Gil didn't see it, but he heard a scream, ending prematurely with a metallic clang.

Poem part not mine.

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