Poor Brits, Unsuspecting Russians, Dominating Germans

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Chapter 6

In the month since the start of Operation Kreigstein, Allied losses had tripled, while German losses dwindled down into the double digits.

Gil was reporting in Berlin at the Wolf's Den, and Ludwig was out on the frontlines, defending Normandy and setting an attack plan on the British Island.

In the mess that was London, England, Arthur ran about in shambles. He had been summoned to meet Mr. Winston Churchill, his commander. Inside the lovely halls, he walked quickly, feeling out of place in his dirty, war stained uniform. He knocked on the office door, and a strong voice answer, "Come in."

Slowly moving, he crept into the large office. Two men stood; a master decoder and Churchill.

Churchill turned to the other man "Report your finding to Mr. Kirkland."

The men turned to Arthur and began speaking. "We have intercepted German messages from the front back to Munich. It is Chief General Ludwig Bielschdmit, relaying directly to Hitler. Once translated, we found they were discussing an operation of sorts. The operation is called Kreigstein, something that translates into War Stone. The messages aren't very clear, as they never go into detail."

Churchill nodded and dismissed him, facing Arthur. "And how goes the latest attack?"

Arthur hung his head and explained in great detail the loss, how easily they were killed.

"And how many German deaths?" Churchill asked, sitting down behind his desk.

Arthur bit his lip "We think about six sir..."


"No...just six." He answered, his hands behind his back.

"Did they not retrieve those six bodies?"

Arthur sighed. His explanation would sound crazy. "No sir. Dogs it seemed came and fetched them."

"What happened to that French town where the rebellion was massing? Did support get there in time?"

He shook his head "No sir. The Germans had long since destroyed the town and murdered its inhabitants."

Churchill went over a report on his desk. War reporters were baffled at the extent of the damage, considering it was just an infantry, with no trucks or air support.

"I want spies out there. Get a task force. Get out there and see what is happening behind German lines. Go."

Arthur saluted, and hurried off.

Little did either of them know Gil heard every word.

Amused, Gil decided to let them plan. Let them form some brilliant spy force. It would waste time and money. Money and time, the Brits couldn't spare. In that time Gil would create his super pill. He would replace the fallen ironclads. He would build more wolves. He had plans to send an entire ironclad army into Russia. The men kept freezing there. His ironclads would be perfect. He planned to send some zombies as well, just for fun. Then, one or two of his super humans. They would do the damage of ten men.

In a short week, Gil had produced over fifty wolves. Every squad had one, then a handler had a group of seven, then the camp was guarded by the remainder.

He had built the massive army of ironclads by simply forcing the zombies to help him with the bodies. He used the engineers or any skilled soldier he could find to make the gear works. In three days he had perfect army, sixteen thousand ironclad soldiers.

All those bodies weren't even German. Any man he found dead was fair game. Truly, any man he found was fair game. It took little time or effort to kill someone.

The task force he used to mass produce the ironclads we're run into the ground. The zombies were fine, and they stood waiting for more commands, their fires burning in a haze about them. The men were sleeping, their hands torn up, steam burns on their arms and faces, exhaustion on their features, and uniforms that hung a little loose.

Ludwig scoffed. How weak were men?

It took Gil one day to read and figure out how to create this super pill. While he did so, Ludwig went out to find SS who would be willing to become part of this experiment.

He found five power-lusting young men, and brought them to Gil.

Gil handed each a small pill, something that looked like simple medicine. The bravest was the first to swallow, and no effect was shown. Ludwig hand that man a steel bar, the types used for jail cells.

"Break it." He ordered.

With a sharp nod, the man snapped it in two, his hands gripped the ends so hard, he even left indents. It was an effortless movement, like a child snapping a pencil.

The other men quickly swallowed their pills, and snapped bars as well. It was the only way Gil would know it worked.

"I hear footsteps." The one said.

Gil grinned. The hospital was empty. The footsteps were outside.

"Belonging to whom?" Ludwig asked dryly

The man thought "A man. He walks heavy. He shuffles, as there is a delay in his one step, an injury."

Another frowned "He has a fake leg. When it hits the ground, it isn't as hard."

The man nearest Gil spoke "It is Commander Zimmermann; he has a fake leg, from a shot that splintered his tibia."

Gil was pleased. The superhuman senses worked well. They heard the faintest things, and were many times stranger than the normal man. The single thing different from these than the rest, is he had no control over them. They could go rouge. So, to each he attacked a collar like band, to their necks. It bared the swastika, and a ranking. He called it a mark of honor. He would enforce it upon the other SS.

The device would ring, loud, should Gil want it to. If they went rouge, Gil would drive them into insanity. But it also worked as a way for Gil and Ludwig to command them, from countries away.

Ludwig turned to his brother once the new super humans were dismissed.

"Do they die like men?"

Gil grinned "Why of course not brother. They do not feel pain any longer. I can shoot him in the heart, and he will not die. He will not feel it, or panic. And instead of dying of blood-loss, the wound will close. He must he shot in the head."

Ludwig laughed. Of course, he should have known better. Soon enough, the Allies will worry. He left, to plan the launch attack.


So, thoughts on poor Arthur and soon to be poor Ivan?

The superhumans? (Seriously the Nazis tried that)

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