A New World

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Chapter 11

With England now flying the German banner, Ludwig set his sight on America. The Americans had finally reacted to the war, Alfred trying his hardest to get the country into the war. Japan turned and bombed Hawaii, tipping the scale.

Some generals thought it was a mistake to provoke the mighty country, but not Ludwig. He had taken Russia and he had taken England, two things Napoleon could not do. Two things that hadn't been done in many many years.

America had lost a chunk of its navy but Ludwig didn't think it would hinder the country, so he launched an attack right away. He set German ships on course; he sent messages to his allies to set ships on America. He sent the Luftwaffe to bomb the country.

He and Gil did not go. The ironclads went, shipped off like normal soldiers. The wolves went in cargo boxes, turned to sleep and under care of handlers.

Zombies went, carefully controlled and well fed. Super humans went, under very strict orders. Gil even sent five Reds, which he turned off, and showed one super human how to turn back on.

While that campaign went on, Ludwig and Gil rested. Once America fell, the only world powers left would be Italy and Japan. See the Germans needed their help at the start, but they were inferior races and had no place in the Third Reich.

Gil planned to attack them at the same time, something he didn't really want to do. It would split the forces and the commanders, but if he attacked one, the other would be tipped off and have a chance to perform a counter-strike, or at least defend themselves.

It took a month for the battle plans to be made and approved. In that month, two important things happened.

America fell after being surrounded and bombarded. They had no allies for help, they were outnumbered and demoralized. The navy and air forces took most the glory, but once the fronts were softened and the creations stormed the land, it was all over. The Americans lost their fighting spirit for the first time in history.

The Germans were busy re-writing the books and doing what could not be done.

The second part was even more pleasing. In a final bout of rage over Pearl Harbor, the Americans managed to get a few bomber planes out, and drop two huge atomic bombs on Japan.

This worried Gil a bit. He heard what kind of effect those bombs had. If the Americans had more, they could attack Germany, and that could change the tide of war.

There was no way he was letting that happen. He ordered his super humans over their devices, to scour the country, to find the plans and the lab and destroy it. To kill the men who worked on it and erase those plans from history. He would have liked to obtain those plans himself, but it was not a risk he would take.

If the plans got intercepted on their way to Germany, he would have quite a headache to deal with.

Considering Japan was reeling and broken, they were no longer a threat. The Japanese had backed out for all Ludwig was concerned. All he had to go was send troops to control it and get Kiku.

Italy would be backing out any time now, he could feel it. He picked mostly human troops and ironclads to go to Japan, then one of his super humans and three zombies. Only five wolves went, he needed the rest to storm Italy. With those being sent on their way, Ludwig got the rest of his forces in order and turned on the Italians.

They marched fast and invaded Italy, which caught them by surprise. He ravaged north Italy with his ground forces and infantry. He sent the wolves and Reds with his super humans down to south Italy, letting them do his dirty work. Rome fell to the iron dogs, and Romano was dragged to Ludwig's feet.

North Italy was wrecked, and a superhuman found the sniveling Italian and brought him to Ludwig.

Gil watched his brother smile in a sick and cold way. He eyed his old allies, Feliciano looked at him with fear and a wounded dis-trust. Ludwig didn't care. He pulled his Luger and shot them both.

No drama. No begging for their lives, no regret or pain. Just two cold decisive bullets to end it all. It was a colder and more brutal way for sure. Ludwig turned and left the brothers there, not caring one bit he just murdered his allies.

He didn't need them. As of now, he controlled the world. He was the first man in history to have taken over the world. He had total world domination. His iron beasts were strewn across the globe, his banner atop every government building. Operation Blutstein changed the tides of war. Operation Kreigstein made the war his.

It was perfect.

He headed back to Germany again, meeting with the very same board that granted them Kreigstein. The men were all uneasy and deep down terrified. They had allowed this madness to occur and while it won them a war what of it now?

The creatures were unnatural; they gave nightmares to anyone who saw them. It broke the barrier between life and death. Before it didn't matter, now it was a pressing issue.

Gil was not about to let silly things like morals and politics destroy his beautiful creatures. He marched an iron, a wolf, a zombie, a superhuman and a Red into the conference room.

Gasps ran through the men, eyes grew wide and faces went white. The beast had proper effect. Ludwig knew that the presence would frighten the men. It would pressure them to make a more favorable call.

Gil was the one to speak. He pulled out blueprints, the very same ones he passed around the room many months ago. The blueprints for the beasts he made. "This is the great ironclad. He is a dead German, revived to fight again. Granted, he may die once more, this time forever. This does not disturb anything. He still dies in the end. Raising the human body into the iron one is simply...a second chance. A second chance to serve the German nation."

The men were staring at the blueprints then at the ironclad. They didn't seem to believe the idea on paper had been made a real object. They heard of it of course, but they never saw it.

Ludwig ordered a zombie forward. His flames blew and licked around him, the zombie soldier raised his right arm in salute, but said nothing.

This made men faint. The beast was something conjured from hell, and as much as the Nazis loved black magic this was a little to extreme. Gil smiled

"I won't waste your time, you should recall what these are capable of right?"

When he got no answer he moved to the superhuman. He said nothing, just handed the man a standard issue rifle. The superhuman regarded it and then easily tied it in a knot.

This made the men shake and a few more faint. One exited the room.

"This needs no explanation. He speaks for himself no?' Ludwig asked, smiling coldly.

They moved on in their terrifying presentation. The wolf they brought first, Gil had it jump on the conference table and walk down it, like a model's catwalk. It stared into the very souls of each man, before jumping off. When it jumped, it left very deep knife marks.

Ludwig didn't even get to presenting the Red. At first sight of it the head of the meeting stood.

"Enough!" he cried. Gaining more composure he spoke "Operation Kreigstein shall be used to control the world. It is yours. Do as you see fit."

With that, the men basically stampeded from the room.

Gil and Ludwig just looked at each other and grinned.

The world didn't belong to the Nazi's.

It belonged to the Bielschdmit brothers.


I've finally got an end in mind and it'll be coming soon!

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