Part 1: I Stole His Motorcycle

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"Stay away from me," he growled, electric blue eyes penetrating my soul. A tattoo peeked out from under the collar of his leather jacket.

I put my hands on my hips, scowling at him. Who the hell did he think he was?

"What? You think I enjoy being near you? As if," I scoffed.

He shoved me against the brick wall of the school building, bunching the collar of my favorite band t-shirt in his fist. He leaned close to my face and grounded out, "Don't speak to me that way."

"Do you hear yourself right now? You're a complete jerk. Get the hell off me," I threatened.

When he didn't make a move to get off of me, I slapped my hand across his face. His head flew to the side, black hair sweeping into his eyes. He slowly brought his head back around, still clenching my shirt.

"You're going to regret that, Angel," he spat.

He knew I hated my name. Who named their child Evangeline without realizing how preppy that sounded? I was far from an angel and he knew it.

I was sarcastic and people stayed away from me. I was known for getting into fights which were not always my fault. I really only had one friend. I didn't even know why he was my friend. He was the complete opposite of me, but we made it work.

My best friend, Xander, was basically the most average human out there. He was average height, average looks with his short brown hair and brown eyes. He got average grades and just lived a pretty average life.

My life was far from average.

I glowered at him, hand stinging from hitting him so hard.

"I never regret anything, Ryker," I defended myself.

We were never friends. Never even would be. I've hated Ryker Avery since we were kids and he's felt the same towards me. I had forgotten all about him until he moved back. I remembered being so happy when he moved far away.

But then he came back.

I couldn't even acknowledge the fact that he was attractive. His arrogant attitude and ego easily washed out anything attractive about him. He was the ultimate bad boy if there ever was one.

We pulled pranks on each other when we were kids, fought each other, and just about anything else you can think of, we did to each other.

A female voice squealed somewhere behind Ryker's back.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing!"

The blond girl shoved me out of the way and wrapped her frail arms around Ryker's muscular build. I despised this girl. Freaking Hannah Schmitt has had it out for me since junior high when I "accidentally" spilled paint in art class all over her brand new skirt. Ryker let his arm drop around her shoulders. I wasn't surprised to see he had already made friends with the popular crew after just moving here.

"How dare you touch him like that!" She screamed in a high pitched voice that sounded so fake. I wanted to punch her. Did she not just see what happened? Ryker was the one who was freaking man handling me, not the other way around.

I opened my mouth to voice those thoughts when Ryker spoke, "She just wanted to let me know how much she missed me. Angel was in love with me when we were kids, in fact," he smirked.

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