Part 9: Did You Just Kiss Me?

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"Tell me if I'm hurting you," Riley said with the curling iron in her hand. Her and Xander have become so close lately that she's always attached to his side. She's also started eating lunch with us instead of the table she used to sit at with her friends.

Riley, Xander, and I were all sitting up in my room, helping me get ready for Dean's party. My mom was out with Christopher Walker which I still didn't know how I felt about it.

Riley was curling my hair and would do my makeup after. I had refused to let her paint my nails. That would be going overboard. Just hair and makeup would do it for me.

She had brought over some of her own clothes for me to wear. Most of them I had to move aside because there was no way I would be able to fit my chest in her petite shirts. I settled for a tight, black halter top that showed off my bare stomach and a pair of black skinny jeans with knee-high boots. This was so out of my element.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Riley was really talented with hair. She had long ringlets running down my back and my hair actually looked pretty for once.

I had offered to do her hair and we all burst out laughing. She kindly declined and said she would do her hair after she was finished with me.

After she was done curling my hair, she started on my makeup. She made my gray eyes pop out with the smokey eye shadow and dark eyeliner. I had of admit, I looked pretty damn good.

I stood up and faced the two of them.

"Wow, Eve. You look-"

"Hot as hell," I finished for Xander, grinning.

"Yeah, that," him and Riley laughed.

I thanked Riley for making me actually look like a girl and then Xander and I went downstairs to let her get ready in my room. She met us in the kitchen when she was all set.

Xander froze with his soda to his mouth, speechless. Riley looked stunning. Her shoulder length auburn hair was straightened and her makeup made her hazel eyes bright. She smiled shyly, smoothing down her mini skirt.


I saved Xander by saying, "Riley, you look amazing."

She blushed. Xander finally found his voice and said, "You look beautiful, Riley."


Xander drove us to Dean's house. Butterflies racked my stomach as I drummed my fingers nervously against my thigh. I didn't even know why I was nervous. As we pulled up the street towards his house, I could hear the loud bass of the music thumping throughout the house. Scratch that. Dean lived in a mansion, not a house.

We parked down the street from his house because of all the cars already parked here. Dean's mansion seemed to grow as we walked closer. A chandelier hung from inside the window and a huge wrap around porch was attached to the house that was three stories high. There was so much space between him and his neighbors.

The front door was already open, beckoning us inside. The three of us cautiously stepped through the threshold and were immediately ambushed with the smell of alcohol and sweat. It was so crowded that we could barely move. I felt the wandering eyes of other people scorching my body from head to toe. They were checking me out. I think.

We walked through the impressive, dimly lit entrance way and into the living room. All of the furniture had been pushed to the side to make room for a dance floor. Bodies were already moving to the music.

I saw the looks on Xander's and Riley's faces. They wanted to dance but they didn't want to be rude and ditch me.

I waved my hand at them, "Go on and dance. I'm gonna go get myself something to drink."

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