Epilogue: 5 Years Later

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Whew. Today was the day.

The day my mother would marry the love of her life; Christopher Walker. It was bittersweet. I've grown to become extremely close to Chris these past few years, but it still hurt that my father was dead. Tears pricked my eyes just thinking about him.

I pictured him looking down at us with a smile on his face, happy and at peace that my mother was able to move on and live a great life.

Ryker stood in front of me with his hands clasped on either side of my cheeks, rubbing his thumbs underneath my eyes to wipe away my tears.

Yes, even after all this time, we were still dating. I've been wondering for quite some time now when he would pop the question, but it hasn't happened yet.

We went to the same college to become lawyers since we were so good at arguing and all. My senior year of high school, Ryker had tutored me and I had turned my grades around. Turns out, I was actually smart when I wanted to be.

Anyway, here we were at the hotel on the beach of Mexico where my mother had had her honeymoon all those years ago.

"You look beautiful," Ryker said, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I was wearing a light blue dress with my hair styled in perfect waves down my back and the mascara made my eyes pop.

"You're looking fine yourself," I replied, giving him an up-down with my eyes.

"Ah gross. Please don't make me throw up all over this fancy tux," my best friend complained, coming out of the bathroom of our hotel room.

Hannah chuckled and stood up from the bed she had been sitting on to give Xander a kiss on his cheek.

Yep, even they were still dating. No, scratch that. They were engaged. Xander had asked Hannah to marry him a few months ago and their wedding was in two months.

Hannah was wearing a dress similar to mine and Xander was wearing a tux that looked just like Ryker's. To say everyone looked hot was an understatement.

"Ready to go?" Ryker asked, folding my hand in his. I nodded and we all headed out the room and to the lobby that opened right out onto the beach.

I curled my toes in the warm sand, carrying my sandals in my hand as a breeze blew by with the smell of the ocean. I loved the beach. My parents and I would always go to the beach on vacation when my father was still alive. Ever since he died, we haven't been on vacation once (I mean unless you count my mother's honeymoon).

Ryker released my hand to come stand in front of me. His blue eyes were electrified as he stared at me, the wind ruffling his dark hair. I could just barely see the tip of the feather tattoo peeking out through the top of his collared jacket. He reached for something in his pocket as my heart started to pound in my chest and my eyes grew wide.

Hannah and Xander wore similar expressions of shock and awe as Ryker got down on one knee.

I placed a hand over my quivering lips as Ryker stared up at me and opened the small box he was holding out in front of him. He raised it to me and I saw a small sparkle wink at me.

"Angel, will you marry me?"

I slid my finger through the ring and Ryker stood up. I threw my arms around his shoulders and buried my face in his neck. I tried so hard not to cry and ruin my makeup, but I couldn't help shedding a tear. Or two.

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