Part 3: Prom?

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Xander had to drive us to my house since I had given Ryker his keys to the motorcycle back. We got out of the car and I unlocked the front door, letting us inside.

I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed two sodas. I brought the sodas into the living room where Xander had sat on one of the couches and turned the TV onto the Sci Fi channel. I plopped down beside him, placing our drinks on the glass coffee table in front of us.

"Listen, Eve," he began, "I know you heard what Ryker said about me liking you and-"

I cut him off, holding up a hand, "It's okay, Xander. I know you aren't in love with me. We're best friends, remember?"

He looked shocked for a moment and was about to protest. Something changed on his face and he relaxed. He nodded, saying, "Yeah, I'm sorry Ryker is such a jerk."

After that, we watched a movie about teens with super powers. Xander tried to levitate objects in my house with his mind. I started dying when a bead of sweat actually dripped down his face from how hard he was concentrating. He gave up, laughing with me instead.

He stayed over my house until my mom came home to make dinner. I hugged him and thanked him for making me feel better.

"So, what are you doing for prom?" My mom asked at dinner.

I shrugged with my spoon of soup halfway to my mouth.

"I don't wanna go. I think Xander is thinking about taking the girl he's had his eye on for a while. Her name is, uh, oh Riley. If he actually asks her to go, then I'll go with them, but I don't really want to."

My mom looked surprised for a second. She blew off the steam from her spoon and then spoke, "Oh. I think you should go. You would have so much fun."

"Are you kidding me? Most of the student body either hates me or is afraid of me. My only friend is Xander, so I would only go for him."

The conversation died at that. Mom knew why I was this way, why I got into so many fights. I wasn't always like this. It just happened after Dad died. I was always closer with him than my mom, so when he suddenly died of a heart attack, I completely shut down. My mom was devastated and Xander had been the one to save me.

It's just ever since my dad died, I stopped caring. My grades dropped, my behavior got worse, and I was rotten. My friends didn't hesitate to drop me.

I got up and rinsed my bowl out in the sink and headed upstairs to do my homework.

Yeah right, I went upstairs alright, but I didn't do homework. I sat on my laptop, watching YouTube videos. I loved watching the ones where people pranked each other. Someone took a spray can and drew profanities all over a friend's car.

That gave me an idea.

I called Xander to come pick me up since my car was still broken in the school parking lot. Mom hadn't even noticed that it wasn't here. Xander pulled up in my driveway and I yelled, "Mom! I'm going out with Xander for a little. I'll be back soon!"

Then I dashed out the door before she could stop me. I jumped into Xander's car and he drove us to the store.

"Thanks, X. I'll be right back." I hopped out of his car, leaving him inside as I went into Lowe's. I quickly paid for what I wanted and ran back outside to Xander. He gave me a  questioning look when he couldn't see what was in the bag. I grinned.

"Spray paint," I announced happily.


Xander had to drive me to school the next morning. I finally had to tell my mom about my car so she called AAA. They would take a look at my car after school.

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