Part 34: A Picture Lasts Longer

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I probably shouldn't have driven home considering how angry I was. I clutched the steering wheel tightly in my hands the entire ride home and almost got into fights with other drivers along the way.

I pulled up into my driveway and slammed the door shut. It was dark outside now and I have been driving all day long. I unlocked the front door to a dark house. I shut the door behind me, flicking on the light switch beside me.

I wasn't even hungry after not eating much all day, so I warmed up a bowl of oatmeal in the kitchen. I sat down at my spot at the table to eat. The oatmeal was super hot, just how I liked it. I burned my tongue and it felt good.

Ding dong.

Who could be ringing my doorbell at this time?

I dumped my bowl in the sink and took my time walking over to the door. The doorbell rang again. I whipped the door open to see who the impatient person could be.

Ryker shoved past me without even saying anything and plopped right on my couch. He kicked up his feet, resting them on the coffee table in front of him. His heavy boots rattled the table, threatening to tip over the flower pot that was beside his feet.

I pushed the door shut and turned to him. I opened my mouth to yell at him when he said, "Home alone?"

Then he quirked his eyebrow in a suggestive motion.

I tightened my hands into fists and Ryker noticed, making him smirk.

"My mom won't be home until Sunday-" I started.

"I don't really care when she's coming back. It doesn't really matter to me if she's here or not here. Either way, I'll be welcome, right?" He asked, crossing his ankles.

Then he folded his arms across his chest, making his muscles more pronounced. He was wearing a tank top that showed off all of his tattoos and a pair of sweatpants that rode so low on his hips that I could see the waistband of his boxers.

"Right?" He repeated.

Holy crap. I forgot what he just said, so I just settled for nodding my head. He burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

Ryker unfolded his arms, stretching them above his head. His tank top slid upwards, displaying his six pack. I gawked.

"A picture lasts longer, you know?" He said sarcastically, with a smirk on his face. He flicked the lip piercing and raised his eyebrow.

He was such a jerk. He had so caught me checking him out and was making fun of me for it.

I glared at him from across the room and stalked past him, up the stairs. I completely ignored him as I went upstairs to take a shower. I felt disgusting from being in the car all day long and I really needed to get clean.

I went in my room to gather some clothes and then went in the bathroom. I heated the shower up as hot as it would go. Steam fogged up the glass mirror right away and I got in.

I stood there for a long time, just relaxing under the hot water. When I felt like it, I shampooed my hair and washed my body, finally getting out of the shower and by the time I did get out, there was so much steam that I could barely see. I wrapped one towel around my hair at the top of my head and another around my body.

I opened the door a crack to let some air in as I washed my face in the sink. I rinsed the cleanser from my face and heard a noise. I quickly dried my face to see what it was.

I screamed.

The bathroom door was creaking open as a tattooed arm entered the room. I tightened my grip on my towel and jumped behind the curtain in the shower.

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