Part 18: Date

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The rest of the week dragged on slowly. I officially had to bend to Ryker's will on Monday, but for the weekend I was free. And it just so happens that Finn asked me out on a date at fancy restaurant for Saturday. Which was today.

I showered and did my makeup while my hair dried. I tried for a simple, yet sleek look. Of course I wanted to look great in front of Finn. No doubt he would look hot. I had told my mom about my date and knowing that I had nothing appropriate to wear for this type of event, she allowed me to dig through her closet. I had picked out a navy blue dress with lacy long sleeves that hugged my curves in all the right places. When my hair was finally dry, I used my mom's curling iron to put a few long curls in my hair. Then I was ready to go.

I went downstairs to wait for Finn to pick me up. He would be here in about an hour so I still had time to kill. I went into the living room where my mom was watching television. She paused her show and jumped off the couch when she saw me.

"Oh, Eve! You look beautiful," my mom gushed.

I smiled as she came over to hug me. I hugged her back and then she held me an arm's length away to give me a closer look. A tear ran down her face and I wiped it away.

"My baby girl's all grown up," she said all teary eyed.

"Nah," I said and sat down on the couch. My mom sat beside me and we watched the rest of her show until the bell rang. I slowly got off the couch, smoothing my dress and hair down. I shooed my mom away with my hands and she laughed, going upstairs.

I unlocked the front door and smiled shyly at Finn. His eyebrows shot up and he said, "Wow, Eve, you look amazing."

I blushed. He was wearing a white, button down dress shirt with black dress pants. Finn wasn't looking too bad himself, and I told him that. He chuckled and held his arm out. I slid my arm through his and he helped me walk down the driveway in my heels. I wobbled every step of the way, but Finn held me steady so I wouldn't fall. He brought me to the passenger side of his car and opened the door for me. I got inside and waited as he climbed in the driver's side.

I thought the car ride to the restaurant would be awkward and I would have to turn on the radio to fill the silence, but we surprisingly talked the whole way there. We talked about school, music, hobbies, and just about everything else. When we reached the restaurant, Finn opened my door again and helped me walk.

We walked in the dimly lit restaurant and I immediately felt out of place. Everyone here screamed wealthy which explained why Finn had picked this restaurant. His father owned a country club or something and they were pretty well off.

The host led us over to a booth near the back. The seats were made of red velvet and a candle was burning in the center of the table. I neatly tucked my dress underneath me as I sat down across from Finn. The host laid four menus out between the two if us. I had no idea why we needed so many or what each one was for. I tucked my bangs behind my ear and discretely looked at which menu Finn had picked up first and grabbed the same one.

Oh, it was for drinks and appetizers.

"Hmm, what would you like as an appetizer?" Finn asked me when the host had left us alone.

I hadn't even looked through the menu when I blurted, "Chips and salsa," and regretted it right away. I hated spicy food. My face would get red and my eyes would tear up. I'd also have to drink gallons of water to wash away the spiciness.

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