Part 48: Xander's Date

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So, Xander ended up calling Hannah and asked her out on a date. He had said she seemed so different over the phone and maybe even likable. He'd told Riley about the date since they had literally just broken up. He explained the reason behind the date and all, and Riley had been supportive. She was even cheering them on.

Ryker, on the other hand, was pretty suspicious about this whole thing. He thought Hannah was just using Xander or something and it would turn out to be problematic.

Yet, here Xander was, waiting at The Hangout for his date while I sat with Ryker backstage, picking nervously at my fingers. He reached over and enveloped my hands in his and squeezed, giving me a serious look.

"It'll be alright, don't worry," he said, blue eyes glowing in the dim lights behind the stage. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"You're right," I agreed. Kinda.

I knew he was only saying that for my benefit because he didn't actually believe it, but he'd say it to make me feel better. I wasn't sure if that helped or not.

"When do you go onstage?" I asked.

Ryker glanced down at his watch and said, "In about five minutes. So until then..." He said, giving me a playful look as he pulled my stool closer to his. When our knees bumped together, he placed his palms on either side of my cheeks and lightly pressed his lips against mine.

He broke away and smiled at me, leaving my heart a freaking melted puddle, as he stood up and grabbed his microphone stand.

The sound of thundering footsteps had me twisting around in my seat as a crazed Xander burst onto the stage with us behind the curtains.

"X? What-"

"She's here!" He yelled, pacing back and forth while running his hands through his hair, causing it to spike crazily.

Ryker went over to him and placed his hands on his shoulders to get him to stop moving. "Breathe, dude. It's just a date."

Xander's nostrils flared as he took a deep breath. He shook out his hands as Ryker released him and turned to me. His brown eyes were huge as he turned to me.

"This is a very, very, very, very, very-"

"Mhm, a very what?" I interrupted, getting the point.

"A very bad idea," he finished, "but I'll do it. I'll see you later."

Then he ran down the short steps to the floor where I couldn't see him any longer. Ryker shot me a look and I frowned, thinking the worst.

"Don't worry, I'll look out for him while I'm on stage," Ryker said as he winked at me and stepped around the curtain, drawing the cheers from the crowd. My palms started sweating as I sat there listening to Ryker belt out his songs. I couldn't stop thinking about Xander and Hannah. I was scared Hannah was playing us.

About thirty minutes in to Ryker's concert, he suddenly poked his head through the curtain and hissed, "Don't look now, but a certain two people are hitting it off better than we thought." He wiggled his eyebrows and returned back to the stage to play another song.

I leaped out of the stool, knocking it over in the process, and ran down the small steps so I could see out into the club. I scanned the area until I landed on a couple near the bar who had their lips locked together. I stared in shock as a familiar guy ran his hands through long, blonde hair as she undid the buttons on the collar of his shirt.

I gawked at the two of them as a million thoughts ran through my mind at the same time.

How the hell did this happen? Was the main thought that I had. The other was, Hannah really does like Xander.

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