Part 2: Don't Fall for Me

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I was fuming by the time I got home. I jumped off the motorcycle and didn't bother to steady it with the kickstand. I just let it topple over.

I dashed inside the house, slamming the front door shut behind me.

"Eve?" My mom called.

I stalked into the kitchen where she was standing making coffee. She did a double take and gawked at my appearance.

I held a finger. "One word. Ryker."

Realization dawned on my mother's face that looked nothing like mine. She had short, blond hair and bright blue eyes. She didn't even have to wear make up, she was naturally beautiful, but she always did anyway.

On the other hand, I was short where she was tall. I had brown hair that never did what I wanted with it. My dull gray eyes were boring. Forget about make up.

My mother didn't question why I was home so early. She just nodded her head and let me go get washed up. She knew how it was with Ryker.

I took a long, hot shower to try and forget about everything that had happened today. I could hear my phone vibrating relentlessly on the sink, probably missed calls from Xander.

I got out of the shower, quickly putting on a fresh set of clothes and fought a comb through my knotted hair. When I was some-what satisfied, I went in my room to call Xander back.

I plopped down on my purple and black bedspread and glanced at the clock. School would be over by now.

I dialed Xander's number and he picked up on the first ring.

"Eve? Are you alright? Ryker is such a jerk," he rambled.

"Hey, X. I'm okay now. I was just going to-"

He cut me off, "I'm coming over."




I went back downstairs, informing my mom on what had happened today while I waited for Xander to get here.

The doorbell rang, and I sprung off the barstool in the kitchen to answer it.

Xander smoothed his short hair back and stepped inside. He took his shoes off and sprawled across one of the couches. I sat in front of the fireplace.

"So," he drawled, "I didn't know you had a motorcycle."

"I don't," I grumbled.

I stood up and walked over to the window facing the driveway. I looked at the stupid bike as I explained why I did have one.

"It's Ryker's. I, uh, borrowed it."


"Language, Xander!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Sorry Mrs. Cross!" He apologized.

I laughed.

"Okay, fine. I stole it. But keep your voice down so mom doesn't find out," I hushed.

Xander lost it. He clutched his stomach as his face turned bright red. He couldn't get control of himself from laughing so hard.

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